Chapter 42 - Detective Quentin Lance

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Diggle stood just outside the room where Oliver was talking to Moira. He wanted to ensure that they had the privacy that they needed, yet still be available if Oliver should need him for anything. Detective Lance was walking by and Diggle was not surprised when the man stopped suddenly, apparently overhearing the conversation between Moira and Oliver. Diggle knew that they were talking about the island and what Oliver and Sara had experienced and knew that the Detective was hearing the story as well. If it had not been for the look on Lance's face Diggle would have suggested the man give the mother and son privacy, however he had a feeling that Lance needed to hear this as much as Moira did. It was just as Oliver was finishing his story that Diggle watched the Detective turn and walk out to the pool and he could see the tears on the man's face.

"Oliver." Diggle quietly called to his partner, knowing that Oliver would be the only one to hear him. He stood just outside the door where Oliver could see him, yet out of the way enough that he would not be interrupting.

Oliver looked up from his mother's embrace when he heard Diggle call to him quietly. He could tell by Diggle's tone of voice that they needed to talk about something and so he gently pulled back from his mom, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Mom, are you going to be okay?" Oliver asked, concerned about how she was dealing with everything that had been revealed in their discussion.

"Yes." Moira said as she wiped her eyes and gave Oliver a small smile.

"Diggle needs to speak with me for a moment." He explained as he slowly stood.

"Okay?" Moira asked, confused again as to how Oliver knew he was needed when she could neither see nor hear anyone.

"Improved hearing, remember." Oliver explained with a small smile, knowing that she couldn't figure out how he could know when she had not heard or seen Diggle at the door.

Moira gave Oliver a small smile. She realized that she never would fully understand just how much Oliver had changed during his time away, or what had caused those changes. As she watched Oliver walk away to speak with Mr. Diggle she decided that it didn't matter how it happened, what mattered was that her son was a better man after his time on the island and she would simply be thankful that he was home again.

"What is it Diggle?" Oliver asked as he walked up to his partner. He knew that something, or someone, needed his attention or else Diggle would not have called him.

"Lance." Diggle answered Oliver quietly. He knew that the younger man would quickly understand what he was saying even without him needing to spell everything out for him.

Oliver had known that someone had stopped outside the room he and his mom were talking, he had just not been able to figure out who that was. Well, now he knew. He nodded his head in understanding before asking another question.

"Where?" Oliver then asked, realizing that there was a very difficult discussion coming up.

"Pool." Diggle knew that this talk with Lance would be hard, for both parties, and he determined, yet again, to keep them from being interrupted as long as possible. He followed Oliver to the door that Lance had disappeared through where he stopped to stand guard, yet again.

Oliver slowly made his way across the pool deck to where Lance was sitting on a lounge chair, with his head in his hands. He cleared his throat while he was still a few steps away to alert the Detective that he was there, before slowly lowering himself to a chair next to the other man. He drew in a slow breath to steady himself before he plunged into conversation.

"Detective?" Oliver asked, drawing the man's attention from his hands to Oliver's face.

"Oliver." Lance stated simply acknowledging the other man's presence, but nothing more.

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