Chapter 35 - Waiting

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

Felicity was going crazy. It was way too quiet in the lair as the only sound was the ticking of the clock and the beeping of the heart monitor. Not that she minded the heart monitor's beeping, it let her know that Oliver was still alive. But it was way too quiet and it was starting to drive her crazy. It felt like it had been several hours since everyone had left the lair and nothing had changed. She, Sara, and Diggle were still sitting around Oliver just waiting for him to wake up and it hadn't happened yet. She looked up as Diggle stood to stretch.

"Hey, why don't we go upstairs for a drink?" Sara asked her teammates, tired of the too quiet lair and ready for something to do.

"I don't want to leave Oliver." Felicity answered. "Just in case he wakes up, or something happens."

"John?" Sara turned to Diggle who was walking around.

"Sure." Diggle gave in. He knew that unless something changed they would still be waiting for hours. Getting to do anything was better than sitting around waiting. "Felicity, let us know if anything changes. We'll just be upstairs if you need us." He told the blonde. He knew she would be okay, as long as she didn't go crazy down here waiting. Yet, it hadn't surprised him that she didn't want to leave Oliver.

"I'll be fine guys." Felicity stated, giving them a small smile. "I'll let you know if I need you. You guys go chill for a bit and relax." She turned back to Oliver, who hadn't moved at all yet, as the rest of the Team made their way up to the club above.

"Do you think she's really going to be okay?" Sara asked as she moved behind the bar to pour herselfand Diggle a drink.

"I think it will take time." Diggle answered as he sat on one of the bar stools across from her. "I think once she processes what happened, and probably cries for a while, she will be fine." He took the offered shot of whiskey and downed it before he continued. "Oliver on the other hand..." He shook his head slowly as he again remembered just how beaten the younger man's body was. "That will take more time."

"He's been through stuff like this before." Sara said quietly as she refilled their shot glasses.

"Yeah, and look what that did to him." Diggle quietly answered as he stared at the liquid in his glass. "He had so much anger inside of him from it all. I'm afraid that it's going to happen again." He was scared for his friend. He knew that if they didn't do things right Oliver would shut them all out again, maybe even run off to Lian Yu. If he did that Diggle didn't know if they would be able to bring him back again.

"You're forgetting something John." Sara said with a sad smile on her face. She knew what he was thinking, remembered what Oliver had been like after all that had happened on the Island. But, she also knew that Diggle was forgetting something important.

"What's that?" Diggle asked as he looked up at her, noticing the huge smile on her face, curious to see what she was thinking.

"This time we have a Secret Weapon to use against him!"

Felicity was going stir crazy as she waited for Oliver to wake up. Once Diggle and Sara went upstairs she organized the medical supplies and took inventory, noting that they needed to replace almost all their supplies after everything that had happened recently. She then went and looked through the news reports, making sure that the identity of the Arrow had not been compromised. There was surprisingly only a brief mention of the break-up of a gang. Nothing was said about what happened at the warehouse and Felicity had a feeling that they had Detective Lance to thank for that. All that only took up about thirty minutes of her time. Now what to do? She thought to herself as she glanced at the security feed from the club, noting that Diggle and Sara were still enjoying a drink and talking. She turned from her computer and started to walk around the room.

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