Chapter 10 - Emotions

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As the group turned to their vehicles to head home Felicity realized that the Team had brought the two bikes and a car. She was conflicted, she knew that she would be expected to ride in the car with Diggle, but she really didn't feel like leaving Oliver's side right now. She was still extremely shaken up over the last few days and she didn't want to lose contact with him, no matter how briefly.

Oliver could see the emotions crossing Felicity's face as she realized the travel arrangements. He knew that she was still running on adrenaline from her most recent abduction and he was worried about what would happen when the adrenaline ran out. Besides, he didn't exactly want to leave her side right now. It took him a split second to decide what to do.

"Sara, you head back on the bike. I'll ride in the car with Felicity and Diggle." Oliver said as he removed his quiver before turning to the car.

"What about your bike man?" Diggle asked, knowing that Felicity and Oliver wouldn't want to leave each other's side, but he also didn't think that leaving the bike was a good idea.

"I'll come back for it." Sara said as she put her helmet on. "Right after I drop mine off at the club." She knew that she could make her way back quickly enough if she parkoured her way across the rooftops. She turned and climbed on her bike, started it up, and peeled out of the lot heading for the club.

"Let's go guys." Diggle said as he held open the back door of the car for Oliver and Felicity.

Oliver guided Felicity into the back of the car, pulling her close to him as soon as the door was closed. She sat, curled up against his side, as Diggle drove them back to the lair. Oliver sat with his nose buried in her hair, his arm around her, and he felt the adrenaline draining from her as she began to shake in his arms.

"Shhh, Felicity. It's okay, you're safe now." Oliver whispered to her quietly as he gently rubbed her arm. He wanted her to know that he was there for her. After all, it is my fault she was abducted – again. He thought to himself.

"It's not your fault Oliver." Felicity said quietly, without moving. "It wasn't yours either Diggle. Slade wanted me and he would have taken me no matter who was there. Neither of you are to blame."

They all rode in silence for a few moments, each engrossed in their own thoughts. Diggle was trying to take Felicity's words to heart. He knew logically that she was right. If Slade had really wanted her then there was nothing that any of them could have done about it. He was stronger than any of them and had connections that would get him anything. After replaying Felicity's words in his head several times he finally came to the conclusion that she was right, it wasn't his fault.

Oliver wasn't so easy on himself. He knew it was his fault even if no one else really did. He had had the chance many years ago to keep this from happening, had thought he had killed Slade, and yet here he was again, hunting Oliver and those he cared for. Oliver didn't know what else he could do to protect his friends, his family, his girl.

As they pulled up to the back door of Verdant Oliver and Diggle saw Sara, perched on the fire escape of the building next door, keeping watch over the rest of the Team. As Felicity and Oliver walked through the back door of the lair, Diggle nodded to Sara as she turned to parkour her way back for Oliver's Ducati before heading inside himself.

"I'm going to go shower." Felicity said, as they reached the bottom on the stairs. "I need to get his smell off me." She shuddered a bit as she finished speaking to Oliver. She turned and headed back towards the bathroom. She couldn't help but turn around to look at Oliver, make sure he really was there. She smiled to herself when she saw him taking off his jacket and shirt before reaching for his cargo pants not far away. At least I can watch him show off his abs again soon. Felicity thought before quickly going to shower.

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