Chapter 12 - Clues

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As Lance started to come to he began to remember the events that led up to him passing out. He remembered the sound of the smoke grenade coming though Laurel's living room window, rushing her to her bedroom, and then Slade crashing through the front door. Please let Laurel be okay. He thought as he replayed the last events in his mind. He knew that there was a good possibility that his daughter had been taken as well, but did not know for sure yet.

Lance slowly opened his eyes, blinking several times as he began to adjust to the lighting in the room. He was lying on the cold cement floor of a small cell. There was one heavy metal door at the front of the cell with a small window near the top and a small light hanging in the middle of the room. This looked more like a dungeon cell than the prison cell that he had last woken up in.At least I could see out of that cell. He thought grimly to himself. He was getting tired of waking up in a cell as this was the second time this month that had happened.

Lance moved to the back of the cell and waited, not so patiently, to see where he was and why Slade had brought him here.

Oliver, Sara, and Diggle rushed over to Laurel's apartment. Oliver knew that Sara was right and that it probably was Slade who had taken the Detective. He hadn't had much time to talk with Sara before they left so he was still unsure as to what state Laurel would be in when they got to her place. Please let her be uninjured. He thought as he sped through town on his bike.

"Guys, are you all there?" Felicity asked through the comms as she pulled up the GPS trackers for each of them. She wanted to make sure the Team was online.

"Here." Diggle said from his place in the car.

"Here." Sara stated curtly from her bike.

"I'm here Felicity." Oliver stated a bit calmer than Sara. "Have you gotten any leads yet?" He asked. Oliver knew that she would have instantly started running searches through security camera feeds and traffic cameras to see if she could find anything that they could use to find Lance.

"Nothing yet. It looks like all the cameras have been tampered with." Felicity replied irritably as she typed quickly on her keyboard. "I can pull up current feeds but all video from the last twelve hours has been erased. I'm trying track who cleared those files, but they did a good job of hiding their tracks."

Oliver knew that that was not a good sign. He was really hoping that they would at least get a lead on the car that took Lance so they could track at least that. Without the camera feeds though, their chances of finding him were quickly dwindling.

"We're pulling up to Laurel's apartment building now." Oliver said for Felicity's benefit. He knew he didn't have to keep her informed about where they were because she would be keeping track of them via their GPS's. However, he wanted to make sure she was kept in the loop at all times so that she wouldn't worry about them.

As the Team made their way up to Laurel's apartment they kept a close eye out for any signs that Slade, or any of his men, were still in the area. Diggle made his way through the front door and kept an eye out for any signs of the man through the main entrance and stairway. Sara went through the back entrance also looking for any clues. Oliver simply made his way up the fire escape to Laurel's window to check out any damage from the outside as well as get an idea of where Slade could have been when the smoke grenade was launched through Laurel's window. After a moment of looking around he climbed through the window at the same time that Diggle came through the front door, closely followed by Sara.

"Laurel." Sara called as she quickly crossed the room to her sister who was crying on the couch. "Hey, I'm here now..."

Laurel turned into her sister's shoulder and the tears came faster. She felt like it was her fault that her Dad was gone this time. He was protecting me after all. She thought as her sister rubbed her back and let her just cry. After several minutes she looked up to see Oliver and Diggle looking carefully around her apartment.

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