Part 4: Who Run the World? Bugs

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"ZEO ZOOZIN!!" My heart palpitated from the loud nasally voice that called my name, followed by heavy footsteps. There's only one person in this dorm who dare calls me that. Song Yuqi. My eyelids are so heavy, I couldn't lift them properly. It keeps drooping just like how my body feels at the moment. "WAKE UP, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!"

Ugghhh.. I think I'm sick. Again.

These past few weeks I've been catching cold very often, probably due to stress and secrecy. I don't know, I can't decide which one is worse.

My throat was so dry that the words came out in a mumble, "I'm up."

The door to our room flew open and Yuqi entered with a scowl. "Unnie!" Her expression changed once she saw my awful state, "What happened to you?"

I licked my lips to moisten it's cracks, "What time is it?"

"It's quarter to eight. Unnie, are you alright? You look like... a zombie?" Yuqi narrowed her eyes and went closer to inspect or criticize me. "Don't tell me you're sick? Again?!" She double take after touching my forehead.

Soyeon's shrill voice rang out from the living room, "Guys, hurry up!"

"Tell them I can't go. You can go ahead."

"Would you be alright here alone, Unnie?" Yuqi asked. "You're always sick recently, I think your body have a problem."

"I'll be fine. I just need some rest."

She pouts but says nothing for a few seconds. She's still worried. "Call us if you need anything. Call Shuhua. That girl could move faster than light whenever it's about you." She smiled.

I don't know if Yuqi's joke is meant to make me feel better or worse. I felt more awful.

I sighed and nodded, wanting to just close my eyes and rest.

I felt my body burning and my breath was warm. My head aches as well and I'm hungry but have no appetite to eat.

I hate being sick.




At one in the afternoon, my alarm went off. My eyes fluttered open and it took me a while to adjust to my surroundings. I'm still at my room and I can't believe I managed to sleep the whole morning off. I felt better though, and hungrier.

I checked my phone as I walked through the living room and into the kitchen. Sixteen missed calls from the girls and a whole bunch of messages from Miyeon and Minnie-unnie. Not one from Shuhua. Ouch.

I laughed in disbelief and hurt. Yeah. All I can do is laugh at my situation. I'm pathetic.

I send a message on our group chat as an update to my status before I let go of my phone and search for anything I can eat.

I saw Soyeon's hoard of oranges at one rack of the refrigerator and I took one. This would do.

I was planning on attending at least my remaining class for the day and it was hip-hop dance this afternoon so I better eat lightly.

I started munching on the sweet fruit when my phone vibrated so hard, someone's calling with an unregistered number. Of course I recognized who the caller was. It was Hui-oppa.

I hesitated to answer the call for a few seconds. Then another few. And then the call ended.

My feelings were so conflicted and I felt so helpless I wanted to just cry. Everyone has a secret so why can't I have my own?

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