Part 11: Mr. President

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"Everyone, everyone, please calm down." We heard the emcee's loud voice controlling the crowd, trying to diminish the noise once the President was done with his presentation and the emcee announced that we would be once again presenting for the closing act. "I know you're excited to see them perform but please be civil about it. We have our valued guests here, let's try to not embarrass ourselves, alright?"

The audiences laughed at the emcee, but they became quiet nonetheless.

"This is it guys, fighting!" Soyeon whispers.

"Please welcome once again, our six amazing, talented, and beautiful ladies on the stage. Would you guys want to have a short interview with them?" The guests were surprised by how loud and eager the crowd respond, "Alright, alright.. So girls, let me start the interview by asking who is the leader of the group?" The five of us pointed to Soyeon, Soyeon just smiled shyly. "A third year student? Usually the leaders are the oldest ones in the group, how did you decide about the positions?"

"Ooh! Let me answer that!" Minnie-unnie raised a hand and again, cheers could be heard inside the gym. Unnie have to silence them first before continuing, "Soyeon-ie is really talented as everyone already knows. She could do anything and she have the most experience in the field within our group. She could actually do well on her own with all her composition and lyric-writing skills that sometimes I wonder if she really needs us on her team, you know?" The guests and the students alike, laughed at Minnie-unnie's joke or fact. "Anyway, all members of our team would be great as a leader, well, except the two kids, these two would be scary if ever." Yuqi and Shuhua narrowed their eyes at her, Minnie-unnie just smiles playfully, "But, Soyeon-ie deserves it a little bit more."

"Wow. That was a beautiful statement, Minnie-ssi. And now, because the people can't wait no more, can you just tell us what the song is all about?" He offered the mic to anyone before Soyeon gently took it.

"Uhmm... Latata is a trendy moombahton trap song. It's a song where you can see a strong and powerful performance." She nervously glanced at the President which made me do the same and saw that Sir Hong wasn't pleased by our changed of outfits, "The title and the point choreography is like an incantation of spell for the audiences to fall in love with us."

"That sounds interesting, would you give us the honor and bless our ears once again?"

"Yes!" We all shouted at the same time.

The emcee left the stage and the lights dimmed. We went to our respective positions in the dark as the song starts.

Latata was the song title, and it was the best thing I've ever heard. I immediately fell in love with it the moment Soyeon showed it to us during the summer vacation.

(A/N: Alright, everyone knew how Latata goes. Just watch their performance on music shows to imagine how it went. 😁)

Majority of the guests gave us a standing ovation, even Ms. Hyuna. The two Unnies immediately rounded us for a group hug and we jumped around on stage in a circle. Yes, even me. I'm so happy right now I feel like I could fly.

"Wow. Just wow. I don't know what you guys eat, but it certainly is on a whole new level than the rest of us. That was so great!" The emcee went at the center of the stage but made us stay with him. "This is an original song, yeah? Who made this masterpiece?"

"Our one and only leader, of course. She's the best!" Yuqi proudly stated.

"Exactly!" The emcee agreed. "Now, now, dear fellow students and honorable guests, before we end this program, the President requested a short moment to say a few words."

The President climb up the stairs but told us to stay, again. Good thing I'm in the mood right now. The emcee gave him his mic and step aside, "That was indeed really good. Hmm... I know everyone wants to go home by now so I'll go straight to the point." He walked towards us and placed his hand lightly on my shoulder since I'm the closest, "Do any of you in here aware that the first song they performed was only created and practiced for more or less than three days?" There are amused murmurs and whispers that went around the gym, even the shareholders seemed impress, "Imagine all the pressure and stress they underwent and yet they produced such masterpiece!" Hollers and cheers increased in volume, "Such quality and talents are being developed and produced here at this university, my friends. Your support and dreams are in good hands. Thank you for coming today!"

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