Part 6: The President's Daughter

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"Yo, guys! Did you hear the news??" Yuqi excitedly yells. I'm not kidding, everytime this girl says something, I felt like it always came out as a yell.

We were hanging out at the field under the shade of this huge tree I had no idea what is called. It's the time of the school year once again where the professors are busy preparing programs and stuffs because of accreditations and guests that they allowed us to have our free days off.

"What? About the biggest shareholder's visit to our school?" Soyeon beats her on breaking the news. This girl has so much connections on this school, she could be mistaken as the President's daughter, "Yeah. Madam told me last Friday." She said nonchalantly, pertaining to the Director.

"Oh come on! I thought I was the first one to know since I only overheard them talking in whispers near the CR. Tsk! I thought it was a secret!" Yuqi slumped down near me.

"It was. The President didn't want to alert anyone until it was confirmed, they'd probably announce it today or tomorrow." Soyeon once again answered, her tone was full of indifference like this piece of confidential information just passed by her hands all the time. A ring tone echoed through our mini huddle.

"Yah! What the heck was that?!" Minnie-unnie aggressively yells as she was forced to wake up from her sleep, her head rose from Miyeon-unnie's lap who was still sound asleep despite the noise, while leaning on the tree.

Soyeon apologized and Unnie went back to sleep, grumbling.

"Yah, Soyeon-unnie! Don't tell me you have a lot of important business calls to attend to that you don't even use the silent mode? Are you that busy?" I slightly move away from Yuqi, my ears would start ringing if I don't. She noticed my discreet movement and clings to my arm and smiled widely, "Sorry, Unnie."

"What are you talking about? I do use the silent mode, especially in class. But it's true that I was waiting for an important call." Soyeon had a hard time searching for her phone on her huge backpack. "The President just missed a call from me, I think that's my signal to go."


"He said he have a very important thing to discuss with me. I'll tell you guys later, if it's not too confidential." Soyeon left in a hurry.

When the small leader was out of sight, I remembered something.

"Wait, Yuqi-ah. Didn't you just said you came from the CR?" I looked at her hands, holding on to my arm really tight, "Did you even wash your hands after?"

She grinned menacingly. I regretted asking instantly. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"Unnie! Of course, I didn't! Yah! Do you think I'm civilized enough to wash my hands??" She wipes them in my sleeves up and down, my eyes grew wide in horror and disgust, and then she laughs. "I'm just kidding! HAHAHAHA! The look on your face, Unnie! It was priceless, you were like this!" She tried copying my expression earlier. I sighed in defeat.

"Song Yuqi..! Stop annoying Soojin-unnie!" Shuhua scolded her. She was busy playing with her phone the whole time and decided to speak just now. Her rising and falling intonation waken-up Miyeon-unnie who was beside her at the tree.

Unnie muttered incoherent words, confused at her surroundings for a while. "What's going on? Are you guys fighting?"

"Unnie! Yuqi's annoying me and Soojin-unnie.." I was immediately confused by Shuhua's complaint, more so because she told it to Miyeon-unnie. The least person she'd be likely inclined to. There was almost a thick wall between them before. Just how close they became these past few days? Weeks?

"Yuqi-ah, stop bothering them. You guys always fight, everyday. Don't you get tired of it? In the future, eventually, you're gonna have a major fight against each other and then you'll regret not spending your earlier days living peacefully." Miyeon-unnie's tone was gentle, like talking to two children, it's actually a fitting description for these two. I saw the maturity in her at that exact moment. She's so timid and shy before--and that's coming from me, the embodiment of those traits- that I always forgot she's ahead of age, even to me.

Yuqi and Shuhua listened to her, I'm genuinely surprised. Whenever Yuqi and Shuhua annoy each other, I always manage to get caught up in between. One of the two would ask for my favor on who's more right, and since I don't want to get involved in their immaturity, I ended up saying nothing and feeling defeated. I let them tire each other out until there would be no more shouting and yelling, and running around the dorm.

"That's so accurate, Unnie. I've been trying to withstand their bickering for how many times now, I didn't know that all I need for them to stop was for you to come along." I gave her a smile.

Miyeon-unnie returned the gesture, "I always dreamed of having a younger sister, or at least a sibling, and imagine what I would do in times like this where we get into a fight with each other, I guess that helps."

"Unnie! You have us now, we're your sisters!" Yuqi proudly declares.

"I hope you're not regretting having us as your sisters, Unnie. Because we still have a few months left to live under the same roof."

"Hey, are you kidding? You guys are the best!" Miyeon-unnie gazed at the woman sleeping on her lap and caressed her hair. "I've always been surrounded by a lot of friends before at my former school, but at the same time, I felt alone. While you guys accepted me wholeheartedly and readily, and even adopted me, in a sense, as your own. I'm always thankful for that."

"Unnie, I just wanted to say that you'll never meet another Song Yuqi anywhere, so you have every rights to feel lucky that you've known me." Way for Yuqi to break a heartfelt moment.

A voice came from whom I thought was sleeping peacefully, "Yuqi-ah, don't get cocky, Miyeon-ie's thankful to meet me."

And the fight continues, this time between the Thai Unnie and the Chinese maknae. We just really can't have a peaceful minute.

A chat bubble popped on my notifications, it was from Soyeon.

"Guys, Soyeon wants to meet us at the President's office, ASAP." I read at them out loud and over the noise, "I think it was about our midterm exam." That caught their attention.

"Uh oh." Yuqi breathed out slowly.

"We're doomed. They're going to fail us." Minnie-unnie added.

"Or maybe they're gonna give us a chance, if I heard the President's whisper the last time correctly." The tone of uncertainty in Miyeon-unnie's voice contradict her optimistic counter.

"Let's just hope you're right, Miyeon-ah. Let's go." Kim Minnie leads the march to our uncertain future. "It's either we performed again, all of us this time, or we failed together."

"Yay." Yuqi sarcastically cheered before she stumbled and fell to grass-covered ground.

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