Part 5: Messages from the Heart

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"Unnie, it's okay! It's okay! Mr. President said that I can stay as a trainee. I'm still young so they can put me on the next debuting group." Shuhua's patting Miyeon-unnie on the back as she kept crying due to our youngest' news.

"Yah! Are you stupid?! Why did you do that?"

"It's okay, Jin-Jin-ah! At least I can watch you when you debut. I'll be your number one fan. I'll always attend your concert and buy your merchandise, we can still see each other all the time whenever you're not busy." Shuhua was trying to be brave, and I know she could be, but I can already see the tears slowly forming around her eyes.

"Shut up! That's not gonna happen, I'll talk to the President now!" I marched towards the double-wooden doors, but a small but strong hand holds me in place.

I looked at the owner through my blurry eyes. I'm getting teary-eyed as well but I don't want Shuhua to see me cry. Soyeon has a concerned look on her eyes but shook her head no, "The President would be mad if you interrupt his meeting. He already made a decision, all of us knew that no one could change that."

I clenched my teeth. I want to punch something. I'm so angry that I know I could and would snap at anyone right now. It doesn't matter even if that someone would be Sir Hong.

"Jin-Jin-ah... Let's go back. I'm hungry." Shuhua called out. Miyeon-unnie had stopped crying, Soyeon was still holding on to my arm.

My back was on them as a tear finally fell down my eye. "I... I can't go back. Not right now. I'll meet you guys at the dorm later."

No one stopped me. And for that, I was grateful. I called Hui-oppa and he drove us to a park. I told him everything while I cried.

After a couple of hours, we went to a convenience store nearby. We bought some snacks and a few bottles of beer.

"Go ahead, I'll watch over you. I can't drink with you though, I still have to drive us back." He smiled apologetically and ruffles my hair. After I consumed a few bottles, Oppa spoke thoughtfully, "You know, I don't think what Shuhua-ssi did was stupid. If anything, it was actually brave. Volunteering to step down for you guys? That was a selfless act. She loves you guys that much."

"Which is stupid. She shouldn't have done that. No one asks her to."

Oppa chuckles, "No one asks her to, and yet she still did it. She's pretty mature for her age, no?"

"I guess... But still stupid."

"I think that's enough beers for you." He chuckled again, which is starting to annoy me, he's not taking my answers seriously. Hui-oppa took the bottle from my hand and started cleaning up.

"What are you doing?" A growl escaped from my lips. My voice was higher than I would have liked it to be.

"I told you, you've had more than enough alcohol on your system. You're drunk, Jin-ah." He said, still continuing his cleaning.

"Don't call me that! It's for Shuhua only!"

He raised both his hands in defense, "Alright, I'm sorry. But we have to go."

"No... I'm not going. I don't want to see any of them right now. I... I can't show my face to Shuhua because I promised her that we'd debut together. But now? Now we can't because she's selfish!" My tears were flowing freely once again, "Why would she volunteer herself when she made a promise with me?"

"I'm not even going to pretend I know the answer to that." Oppa gathered the bottles and wrappers, but I know he's listening.

"You don't know? Well, I do. It's because she doesn't care about me! She cares more for that transferee Unnie than she cares about me!"

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