Part 2: Missing Shu

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Minnie-unnie locked the sliding glass door to the kitchen. She trapped me near the sink as Miyeon-unnie quietly wonders why she's even included here with us. "Yah! You know you're not a good liar, right?"

"What... are you talking about, Unnie?"

"Nuh-uh. We're waaayyy past the playing innocent and dumb phase. You know, from all the years I've known you, you never introduce a friend to us. Why start now?" She crossed her arms over her chest, I gulped at how serious she was, "Let's be honest, you've met up with Hui-sunbae didn't you?"

Miyeon-unnie glances at me, finally understanding what's going on, "You did?"

"I... did. What's wrong with that?"

"Well, to start off, everything! Duh!" Minnie-unnie uses her hands to emphasize her point, "First of all, Hui-sunbae just had his debut last year, it would be really scandalous if people would found out about you two! Second, you lied to the girls, again! And third, what if Shuhua left because she went searching for you and now was lost somewhere out there?!"

Miyeon-unnie walked towards us, "That's what I was worried about too. Did you tell Shuhua where you're going before you left? Maybe she read a text from your phone and followed the location?"

That.. didn't occur to me until now. That's a hundred percent possibility and I was a fool for not changing my password from when I first suspected she read Hui-oppa's message. What if she really did read our conversation this time while I was asleep and really followed me? And she's somewhere out there lost and scared? All because of me?

No, I have to calm down. Panic will only cloud my mind.

"Unnie, you said that her phone's off?"

"Well, I mean... It might not be off, maybe just in silent mode. We tried calling her number couple of times but she's not answering." Miyeon-unnie scratched her head, "Maybe... you should try calling her?"

"But you already tried it, I don't think me calling her would make a difference."

Minnie-unnie gasps, "What if while following you, she saw Sunbae-nim and you together, being all lovey-dovey? And then she was hurt and sad because, you know, she loves you? And then, she went to the nearest bridge to jump because she was so jealous, and—"

"Stop it, Minnie-ya! You're making things worse!" Unnie scolded her.

"I don't know, Minnie-unnie. I was really careful this morning. I made sure that none of you was following me." I thought of what had happened earlier, "Besides, Soyeon would have seen her going out if she indeed followed me."

"Hmm.. You have a fair point. Oh, wait! Soyeon-ie left this morning too! She said there's someone she have to talk to, so within that time, Shuhua could have sneak out and follow you!" Minnie-unnie speculated.

"I'm just really sorry that I have nothing to contribute. I was asleep the while time." Miyeon-unnie started getting out some flour and eggs, I guess they'll have some Kimchi pancakes or those Potato ones for lunch.

"Yah! At least you're the first one to figure out Shuhua's missing." Minnie-unnie walked towards her for preparation.

Miyeon-unnie hesitated, but decided to share what's on her mind anyway, "Well, Shuhua's presence is hard to miss, so her absence is much more noticeable. And well, she actually called me this morning to say that we don't have to worry about her, and that she'll be back."

"We-we-wait, wait, wait... Hold up. She, called, you? Of all people? Why?" Minnie-unnie raised one of her brows.

I agree. Why would Shuhua call Miyeon-unnie and not me?

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