Part 8: Friends in Need

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We finished recording at around three in the morning, everyone tried to stay up for as best as they could with occasional naps, but the one who's calling the shots stayed awake the whole time, aka Jeon Soyeon. She monitored each members recording, telling us what needs to be adjusted, and corrected our mistakes. We slept for another three hours or so in the studio, before deciding that we wasted enough time.

"So the friend you're talking about, who is it?" I just woke up when Soyeon asked me the question, I didn't respond because I was busy fighting off sleep, "Soojin-ah, we need to come up with the choreography fast if we're looking for a slight hope to pull this off."

Right. I almost forgot that I recklessly volunteered a friend to help us for this.

"I'll contact him right away."

I took my phone from the table to my side, careful not to wake Shuhua up.

"Him?" I ignored Soyeon's curious eyes, "You have a male friend?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with that? I'm pretty sure everyone have." Before she could ask more questions, I signaled that I would go outside for the call.

I don't have a lot of friends beside the five, I'm extremely shy when it comes to strangers, but I do have a boyfriend, and he has a lot of friends and members. I dialed his number and was immediately greeted by his sweet and gentle voice, it's as early as six o'clock and here he was greeting me a 'good morning'.

"I'm sorry, Oppa. Did I wake you?"

"Hm? No, no. I've been working a song for the group that's why I'm up early." There was some mouse-clicking sounds in the background.

"You stayed up all night, didn't you?"

"Hehehe.. You got me. But, do you want to listen to it?"

"I would love to, but I have... I mean, our group has a huge problem right now and I was hoping I could ask you a favor?"

"Sure, no problem!" He said enthusiastically. In fact, too enthusiastic that I'm beginning to feel bad for asking him.

I never ask for anything materially, but he still buys me gifts and gave them to me on the spot so I wouldn't deny them, I'm grateful but I still scold him whenever. I don't think I'm the type of person to ask help about things I could do on my own either, so I understand why hearing that I needed a favor from him excites Hui-oppa.

I told him about our situation and in turn, he told me to wait for Kino, a member of Pentagon that is great at dancing and being a choreographer. He was the same age as me but debuted earlier. He still goes to school though, at a different section from mine, even though he's already a professional idol. Most of the student-idols do so.

"Hey, uh.. Before you go, I know you've been busy these past few days but can we go out once your schedule cleared?" He hesitantly asked.

I hesitated too. What's wrong with me? Is it bad that I don't want to go and risked being caught by my friends? By Shuhua?

But I've been avoiding Oppa for far too long and he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.

"Y-Yeah. Sure. I'll tell you when I'm free."

"Alright, a date it is! I won't hold you any longer. Hmm... I love you!" Everytime, I'd reply immediately at his confession of love, but this time, I couldn't bring myself to say it back on time because a head poke out from the studio and made me panic.

"Oh, fudge.." I nervously muttered and end the call.

"Jin-Jin-ah! Soyeon-unnie's calling for a meeting!" Shuhua called out a few feet from me.

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