Chapter 17: Cat out of the Bag - Part One

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"Wow! you guys are really dumb." Gun commented.

"You being dumb is understandable, but I didn't know P'Kao was just as dumb." Fluke let out an ear piercing laugh.

"Can you two stop? You are not helping." Earth requested. He was starting to regret the decision of telling his friends about the "taxi" incident that took place yesterday.

"You both are literally made for each other. Both dumb and clumsy." Gun claimed.

Fortunately for Earth, the laughter died down after a few minutes.

"Guys, I won't be attending the afternoon classes." Fluke continued while giving Earth a death glare, "Because I have a blind date to attend, thanks to someone."

"Enjoy ^^" Earth replied with an evil smile.


Fluke walked into the restaurant where him and his blind date had decided to meet up.

He had gotten there right on time, since he hates being late. He sat at their reserved seat and ordered two Iced Americano. He took a sip and waited.

Another sip.

Then another.

Another one.

And soon that big glass of Iced Americano finished.

The Ice in the other drink had already melted away. But still, the owner of the drink was nowhere to be seen.

Fluke checked the time and already one hour had went by.

He texted the person multiple times, but there was no reply.

Fluke had had enough. He got up and left the restaurant.

He called the person thinking that if they picked up, he would....He didn't know what he would do but he was still determined. But the person did not pick up his call.

"Good decision you made there stranger." Fluke scoffed.

He walked back to his car and was about to turn in on, when he saw a familiar face throw the rare view mirror. He quickly got out of the car and, yup, he was right. It was familiar face..

"Ayo Earth!" Fluke called for his friend from across the street.

Earth stooped in his tracks and turned to see who had called him. When he saw Fluke in the crowd on the other side of the road, he waved him hi and went to cross the road.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at college?" Fluke asked his friend as soon as he approached.

"I should be asking the same. Shouldn't you be at your date?" Earth questioned.

"Sigh~ It's a story worth a rant. It'll take time." Fluke slouched. "What about you though?" He asked, looking up at his friend.

"I was just here to buy somethings for the house. I'm all done though." Earth continued, "Wanna go to a café and vent?" He suggested.


They walked into the nearest café they could find and went it.

"Why is there so many people here? No seats are free." Earth commented.

"It is near to our college and some workplaces, so it's quite popular here." Fluke explained.

"So, should we wait or look for some other place?" Earth asked.

"Let's wait for a few. It seems like they are about to finish." Fluke pointed at the table where two young men, about their age, were seated.

"Wait a minute." Earth said. Squinting his eyes to make sure he was seeing the right thing.

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