Chapter 16: First Love - Part Two

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Earth entered the convenient store. He had completely forgotten about dinner because of all the mayhem that had happened earlier. So, right after Kao fell asleep, he made his way to the store in search for something that could replenish his energy, because he was extremely exhausted. 

He looked around the store for a while before deciding on getting two energy bars and a juice box. And though it wasn't an ideal dinner, it would give him some energy to go on for a while. As he was getting ready to pay to the cashier, he thought he saw a familiar face come in. So, without even thinking, he followed the person. And to his surprise and pleasure, it was indeed a very familiar face. 

"Sawadi karp Phi" Earth greeted the person from behind.

The person turned around. Though confused at first, they greeted Earth back with a warm smile.

"Oh hi! What are you doing here at this hour?" Title asked.

"Phi you remember me?" Earth felt the little butterflies in his stomach again.

"Of course I do! I have a sharp memory, you know?" The senior said chuckling. "By the way, do you live around here? I mean, I've never seen you here before."

"No, no, Phi. I was..." Earth paused for a second before continuing. "I was just here because my housemate suddenly fell sick and we had to come to the hospital. I came here to get something to eat since not many stores were open at this hour."

"Aah I see." Title nodded in realisation. 

"By the way, what are you doing here at this hour?" Earth asked the older.

"Me? Oh I'm just here to get some coke." Title answered. "Mark is home and was throwing a fit for not having any coke there. So, I had to make a run for it at this hour."  He placed a hand at his heart and jokingly said, "The things you do for love. Brotherly love." Which made Earth chuckle a bit.

"I bet your partner must be a really lucky person then." Earth said jokingly. Testing the waters, if you may.

"That's the thing, I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to." The senior said with a sad pout. Earth felt his heart skip a beat. This was exactly what he wanted to hear.

Quickly replacing the pout with a smile Title asked, "How will you go back to the hospital tough? I don't think there'll be any taxis in this place right now." Then after a second of thinking he suggested, "Do you want me to give you a ride?" 

Before Earth could say anything, he was given an offer he could not deny. He felt like today was the best day of his life. And so, without even a second of hesitation, he answered, "Yes, please. If that's not much trouble."

In his head, Earth thought about what he would do with the car that was parked right outside the store; but, to him, the offer was more important than the car right now. So, he decided to come and get it, first thing in the morning when the sun was up.

"Okay then. Let's go if you're done." The older said, making his way to the cashier to pay for the drinks.

Earth picked up his stuff from the counter too, and both made their to the car. Or so he thought. 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I didn't bring my car today. So, this is what we'll have to work with, I guess." Title looked at the younger with a foolish smile. 

In front of them, stood a bicycle. And Earth was speechless would be an understatement. He thanked the God that the hospital wasn't that far away. 'Maybe the car was important." He thought.

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