Chapter 4: Meeting - Part Two

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"Mom! Look who I brought home with me." Fluke called for his mother as soon as he stepped inside the house.

"Did you finally bring home your boyfriend?", Mrs. Lily said with a little excitement in her voice. Earth tried to hold his laughter when Fluke shot him a death glare.

"MOM!!! I told you to stop saying things like that. It's embarrassing!" Fluke's ears were flushed red due to embarrassment.

Mrs. Lily's voice came again from her bedroom,"What??? I just want you to start dating, that's all. I'll stop when you actually have a boyfriend.". Although she said it like she was serious, Fluke and Earth both knew she was just teasing her son. And was, no doubt, successful, since Fluke had started to whine at this point.

With a hand covering her mouth, as she giggled, Mrs. Lily came out of the room. "Oh! this is even better", she exclaimed as she saw Earth standing beside Fluke.

Suddenly her expression changed. The previously smiley face was now dark. It seemed as if she was going to charge at them any second now.

The change in his Aunt's expression made him stiff. Unable to even move a muscle, he just watched Mrs. Lily walking over, towards them. And as she stood in front of Earth, she raised a hand. Earth quickly closed his eyes and waited to be slapped. never came. Instead, came a soft rub on his head. "So you finally decided to show up." Mrs. Lily said as she continued to rub Earth's head.

Earth looked up at his Aunt, smiling apologetically.


"Ah! Auntyyyy that hurts." Earth whined, rubbing the part of his head where Mrs. Lily had hit him just now.

Fluke who had been standing there, just as stiff as Earth, came back to his senses after the momentary shock that his mother gave them. "I really thought you were going to hit him. You scared me Mom.", Fluke said with a hand on his chest.

" You didn't come home for more than half a month. Did you think I'd let you off the hook so easily? You deserve at least this much, young man."

"I am sorry..." Earth apologised looking at his Aunt with puppy eyes.

"And did you both really think I'd slap him?" Mrs. Lily laughed at how scared got."Why would I hit my precious baby like that? I'm not that cruel."

"Yeah, sure." Fluke said in a sarcastic tone.

Mrs. Lily had a very strong aura, which, often, prevented people to mess around her. And since, she was the Vice-president of the company she and Fluke's father had, her bold personality and strictness helped a lot in running the company flawlessly. But underneath all that, she was actually a very fun loving and down to earth person. That's what made her even more attractive.

She, like his Aunt Sophia, adored Earth very much. If not for living outside the country and being financially challenged at the time, Mrs. Lily would have adopted Earth, even if she had to fight with Mrs. Sophia, when his parents died. Even the thought of his two Aunts fighting over him made chills run down his spine. But she was happy as long as Earth was happy. That was all she could ask for.

They all then started to chit-chat. Catching up to whatever was happening in the other person's life.

"Actually I was planning on coming last week. But when Uncle told me about the 'marriage proposal', I was so shocked that it completely slipped my mind. Plus, after hearing this, I wasn't doing good at all." Earth said.

Of course, Mrs. Lily already knew about the agreement between Mr. Kard and Mr. Perth for the marriage. Although, at first she had objected it and almost had an argument with Earth's Uncle, Mr. Kard. But eventually agreed when Mr. Kard promised he would not force Earth if he disagreed even once.

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