Chapter 19: Your request - last chapter

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"Nooooooooooo" Prem cried while trying to free himself from Boun who was holding on to him for life.

"Please please please just this once....I will never ask you to do this again." Boun was trying his best to not let Prem walk out of the studio.

"You said it wasn't going to be this. AND IT IS THIS!"

 Prem knew he shouldn't have trusted Boun when he said he had a good part time job offer. 

Boun mostly gets offer to model for small photoshoots , so, Prem specifically asked him if it was this and with a straight face he said it was not. Prem couldn't believe that he actually thought Boun was being honest. 'So stupid of me'. 

Unlike Boun, who was a complete extrovert  and loved attention from the people around him, Prem was more of an introvert and a shy person. He didn't like to be the center of attention in any event. He just liked the company of the few people he knew and was happy with that. Prem did not like the fame or the popularity that Boun had by doing all of that modeling stuff. And thinking that he might even have to deal with that himself was horrifying to him (though he didn't think he would get any of that because he was not at all good looking). 

"Please please please pleassssssssse..." Boun begged .

While Boun was holding on to Prem for his life, the Editor in chief of the magazine they were shooting for came in. He looked like he was probably in his early thirties; but his aura was so strong that it stopped both, Boun and Prem from bickering. Everyone in the room was clearly intimated  by this person's presence as well. All stopped what they were doing and just looked at this person.

As everyone was froze in their act, the Editor made his way towards Boun and Prem. And as he stood in front of them, he proceeded, "I was not expecting to see you here Prem."


These past few day had been a struggle. After the confrontation about Earth having a crush on Title, Kao was trying his best to move on. But it was so hard when he would literally see the younger every single day.

For some time he tried to run off by sleeping over at one of his friends' house but then he realised he couldn't keep running from his problems. So for once, he decided to face them. And that might have been the worst decision he had ever made (although lowkey, he was kinda enjoying it).

Now Earth had sensed that Kao was actung weird and of course he didn't know why. So when Kao finally decided to be at home, facing Earth, the younger got struck with an idea.

"How about we go to an amusement park this weekend?" Earth asked Kao who was sitting on the beanbag from iver the couch.

It was a Thursday evening and both were just doing their assignments and homework that was due. It had been quiet until Earth proposed the idea.

"Uh...this weekend?" Kao asked, confused, anxious but slightly excited.

Whenever Kao got to spend time with Earth, he felt at ease. It was like a warm, cosy feeling. Like stepping into your own house after a long day of discomfort and stress. But even though the thought of them being together all day (like on a date) made his heart flutter, he knew better than that.

"I don't think I'll be able to make it. I have this assignment I need to get done by Monday and I'm not even half way through." Kao tried to think of an excuse.

He was not lying about the assignment, but it was due Wednesday and he had plenty of time to complete it, plus, it was an easy one.

But just like he saw right through his lie, Earth said, "But you still have plenty of time to complete it. If you can complete half of it tomorrow and then the other half on Sunday, I think you'll be able to do it." He continued, "Plus I also have an assignment due Monday, so I'm gonna do the same."

Earth said it so perfectly that Kao couldn't even think of protesting again.

Earth was Kao's weakness and he was aware of that. Resisting the younger's wish was beyond his control. Like Earth had a spell over him that made him do whatever he requested.

"...okay. I guess I can do that." Kao said in defeat. He did feel some butterflies in his stomach only at the thought of that day. He thought 'Just for one day, maybe we can have a normal date like couples do. Spend the whole day together. Hold hands, hug and kiss. Maybe, just for the day I can ask him to be my boyfriend.'

And before he could think of anything he said to Earth, "I will go, but I have a request, you and I go have to go as a couple...." But when he realised what he said, he was completed shocked. He tried to make it sound not so weird but miserably failed. "I know...couples...hold hands...hug...k..." Before he could say the last word, he slammed a hand on his mouth to stop himself from talking any further. But the most terrifying part was the look on Earth's face. Kao couldn't make much out of it except that it didn't seem good.

After a good seconds of silence and just staring at each other in awkwardness, Earth bursted out laughing. He laughed so hard that he almost fell off the couch. He got up from the couch wiping the tears off his eyes and sat up straight on the couch. He looked into Kao's horrified eyes and said, "Sure. I don't see a problem in that. Actually...I think it's a great idea. Because, basically we are a married couple by law, but we have never done anything like go on a date or do something romantic that couples do, and we both deserve to experience it.  So I think that this is a great opportunity to do so."

The look of terror slowly turned into a look of joy on Kao's face as he processed what the younger had just said. He was definitely not expecting such a positive response but he was so relieved when he heard Earth say all that. Now he was looking forward to the day like he had never done before.


"Come on! Come on! We're gonna be late!" Earth said. All ready and up for a date at the amusement park with his husband. 

"The park isn't going anywhere, it's fine if we are a few minutes late." On the other hand, Kao was trying to put his shoes on. He was up all night looking at websites, trying to find a way to have a perfect date, how to impress your date and all that stuff like a teenage boy in love.

"No you don't understand, I have planned out the most amazing day ever. And everything needs be on time for it all to be that AMAZING!" Earth the last bit a little too enthusiastically. He didn't know why but he was so excited and kinda shy thinking about today. He felt a kind of way he had never felt before. It was new to him, this feeling, and he was not aure how to react to them. So he just tried to hide it underneath his enthusiasm.

"Okay let's go." Kao said picking the car keys.


"OH MY GAD IT IS SO BIG!!!!!" Earth exclaimed looking at the giant Ferris wheel in front of them.

"Oh my gad! There bumbers cars too over there." Earth continued with amusement, "And there is that shooting game too!!! Oh my gad I don't know where to go first." Earth squealed. He turned his head towards Kao and asked about his opinion, "Where do you wanna go?"

Kao who was so so immersed in the beauty of Earth. The way his smile made his cheek look even fuller. The cute way his eyes would widen when he saw something amusing. The why he cutely pointed out at random things other couples were doing in there time there. And somehow this gave Kao encouragement for what he did next.

Kao took Earth's hand in his amd intertwined them and said, "Let's go to the shooting range first. Shall we?"

The way Kao had said it, it was almost like a different person from what Earth had seen of the older till now. This little action made Earth blush so hard it was hard to go unnoticed. But thankfully, his make-up covered it to the best that it could.

"Y-yeah...let's go!" Earth stuttered.

To be continued

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