I'm back!!!!

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Hey guys,

Hope you missed me!!!

I'm sorry to have taken so long to come back. But here I am!!!!

Honestly, I feel like I took a break at the right time because there was just so much down in my life at that time. And even now I wouldn't say I'm completely okay, but I'm good enough to write the chapters again.

But this time I have decided to not take too much stress over the chapters and write and post whenever I feel like is the right time for me. Or else I would get so stressed when it would be 20 days and I wouldn't update. Or even have come up with what I have to write. It was just too stressful.

Thank you so much for all the well wishes and for understanding my situation.

Now I'm back to deliver to you guys amazing chapters that you guys will hopefully enjoy.

By the way (short story)- Before going into hiatus I had decided to post the part 2 of cat out of the bag. But I wrote it thrice and hated every bit of it. I had written over 1500 words but I deleted the chapter because it was so bad. That's when I decided that I needed some time to free up some space in my overly confused mind to be able to write something good.

And just now, I wrote about 400+ words of the new chapter, but this time, I'm really happy how it turned out. I'll work on the rest of the chapter and update as fast as I can; 'cause I wanna see all of y'alls reaction and read all the comments.

P.S. Stay safe and put yourself first before anything. And I love you.

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