Chapter 2: After Effects - Part Two

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Another restless night had passed. Turning off the alarm, Earth just lay still on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Since the day Mr. Kard, his uncle, had told him about the 'marriage proposal', Earth hadn't had a good night's sleep.

When Earth was in elementary school, both his parents passed away during a car accident. Since then, Mrs. Sophia and Mr. Kard, his Aunt and Uncle, had been taking care of him. they didn't bear a child of their own, so, they considered Earth as their own son.

Earth was always grateful to his Aunt and Uncle. They never made him feel like he didn't have the love of his parents. And always gave him the best of the best. And since, he didn't have anything to return their kindness with, he was always obedient towards them and tried to be a responsible and independent person. He always tried his best to not cause trouble for them.

Mrs. Sophia adored him since he was a little kid. And his Uncle was proud of how he had never let them down in any way. Mr. Kard even promised to hand over his company down to Earth when he would come of the age. Although, Earth was not interested in inheriting the company to begin with. But he still appreciated how much his relatives cared for him and loved him.

But when Mr. Kard mentioned the 'marriage proposal', Earth couldn't believe what he had just heard. And the worst part of it was that, even the slightest thought of him rejecting the proposal, sent shivers down his spine.

It was not that he couldn't reject his Uncle. It was just that, the things Mr. Kard said to him when he came home looking all jumpy because of the happiness that this 'proposal' brought him, made him feel like shit for even thinking about rejecting it.

But Earth was only twenty years old and was in his 2nd year of college . For him, marriage was the last thing he wanted to do right now. He had long before even thinking about getting married and starting a family.

No matter how grateful he felt towards his Uncle and Aunt, getting married to a senior in his faculty, who he didn't even know, and, on top of that, just because of a mere business deal (although, Mr. Kard denied it, even he knew, he could not fool Earth with this), was still a little too much for Earth to digest.

With a sigh, Earth got out of bed to carry on with his daily routine.


Tying his necktie, Earth stood in front of his dressing mirror, as he heard a knock on his bedroom door.

The door slightly opened, and, a head popped in, smiling, "Good morning, Earth, dear. Breakfast's ready. Come down if you're done, okay?" Forcing a smile on his face, Earth just replied with a simple 'yes'. After getting ready, Earth went downstairs as well.

"Good morning Uncle, Aunt", he greeted them who were already seated on the dinning table. He took a seat beside his Uncle, which was right across his Aunt. They greeted him back with a smile.

Suddenly Mrs. Sophia's smile dropped. She carefully examined Earth's face with a worried expression on her's. "Oh dear, look at your face. You almost look like a walking dead. Are you feeling sick? Should we go see a doctor?"

Mrs. Sophia's personality was always like this. She would always get so worried even if Earth got a little scratch. So, her acting like this didn't surprise, either Earth or Mr. Kard.

But nevertheless, hearing the tone of his wife's voice, Mr. Kard diverted his gaze from his newspaper he was reading, to Earth.

Looking at both his Uncle and Aunt so concerned, he waved his hands, saying,"No, no, I'm fine. It's just..I haven't been able to sleep properly lately."

Hearing this, something clicked in Mr. Kard's mind. He asked,"Is there something troubling you?" With a pause he continued,"...Perhaps, that marriage proposal?"

All blood drained out of Earth's face. His complexion as pale as paper. He suddenly became stiff. Not even a word could find it's way out of his mouth. He just nodded slightly, worried if he will disappoint his Uncle.

"Well, I think, it was really inconsiderate of me to just expect you to accept the proposal. It must have been shocking for you, to say the least. We should have properly discussed it rather than me just telling you about it and not hear to what you have to say. I mean, you just turned twenty. What was I expecting. I am sorry, son."

Earth was taken aback by his Uncle's words. He just replied with a 'it's okay' and went back to being silent.

"We should meet of with Mr. Perth's family to discuss this matter face to face, and not just rush things like this without even knowing what you kids have to say."

Earth couldn't hide the smile on his face. This didn't seem real. 'He's your Uncle after all. He would never do something like this to you, of course. I should have told him earlier about how I felt about all this. I was just overthinking.', he thought.

"I'll arrange a lunch for next week with them." Mr. Kard smiled in Earth's directon. "Don't worry, son. I only want the best for you."

With this, Mr. Kard put the newspaper down that was still in his hands, and started to eat the food on his plate.

Earth could feel all the worries lifting off his shoulders. breathing a sigh of relief, he put all his trust on his Uncle. He believed that his Uncle would take care of all this.

Now that his worries were gone, he bit into his toast, happily nibbling away the bread.

There was an uneasy feeling lingering at the back of his mind. But he just chose to not pay much attention to it. Right now, he didn't want anything to ruin his mood. Not even his own thoughts.

Considering all will be well, since his Uncle promised him so, he set off to college. He felt a little light headed due to the lack of sleep, but his face had a smile plastered over it nonetheless.


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