The Ending Summarised

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This is the last of Business deal. 

I am sorry I couldn't actually complete the story. But I also don't wanna leave you on a cliffhanger. So here it is, how the story goes and the end.


As Earth grows closer to Title, Kao completely distance himself from the younger. The younger notices this but is not sure what is going on. 

As he and Title grow closer as friends. Earth kinda starts missing Kao. The conversations they had; the times they cuddled and he fell asleep like that. All those memories made him doubt his feeling towards Kao as just a friend(?) He tries to suppress all these thoughts and confesses to Title only to be thrown into friendzone. Broken hearted Earth is then comforted by Kao which leads to...things. After that, both regret it because both are unaware of each other's feelings. So, they play it like it never happened. But the thought never leaves their mind. The more they tried to push it, it would come back stronger. So one thing leads to another and they find themselves making out often. Here and there. And then immediately regret it. 

Skipping to the actual confession. It never happens. Well they do say they love each other, but at that point, it was as obvious as the blue sky. Even a person as dense as Prem could see it. Why is Prem dense you ask? We'll get to that in a bit.

So eventually things started to look great. Although they were still not comfortable with being addressed as husbands, they just let everyone know that they were dating.

But alas, the happiness cannot last long now can it. 

So apparently, the business deal that had brought these two together, was about to rip them apart just when they had started to get along. 

Some sort of misunderstandings and corruption lead to Mr. Perth to want to terminate the contract with Mr. Kard. For, Earth and Kao, which meant they had to get a divorce. Which was not an option at this point because they knew if they get a divorce, they won't ever be able to get back together ever again even as just boyfriends. 

So, for the first time, they both oppose their guardians and act upon their own will. They wanted to be together, so they did. 

But only if life was that easy. Mr. Perth emotionally manipulates Kao to break things with Earth and move to the US right after graduation which was around the corner.

After many tears and with the help of Aunt Lily, Earth sneaks out to go to US to meet up with Kao, who he was in touch with this whole time courtesy to Aunt Sophia, Flukes mother.

When Mr. Per and Mr. Kard find out about this, they are furious. Mr. Perth tries to manipulate Kao again but this time it doesn't work. Instead, Kao reminds the older of how much pain he had to go through because of him. Mr. Perth on the other hand tried to trick Earth into signing the divorce papers. But thanks to Aunt Sophia and Uncle Luke, he fails to do so. 

In the end, both Earth and Kao do end up getting a divorce. But only to become boyfriends, because they didn't want that type of label right now. they are living in the US, away from their families. After all this, it took some while for them to start talking to their families. But even though they are at talking terms, they don't talk as much and as often as they used to.


They grow closer and closer in a very cheesy romantic way. Since their bestfriends were together, they get to see each other more often. 

Naturally, Ohm asks Fluke out on a date. To which, Fluke says no to. He said that all his experiences with dating have been awful. He didn't want what him and the older had to be ruined just like that. 

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