Chapter 11: Payback - Part One

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"Why the fuck should I apologise? You were the one who couldn't see a person in front of you in broad daylight!", the senior said.

"Oh! So, now you're saying that it's my fault?", Gun snapped back.

"Because it fucking is!", the guy spat.

"You looking for a something bitch?!", Gun snapped, ready to throw hands.

So, a little backstory on what was happening, and why Gun was ready beat up the senior in front of him right now.

It all started when Earth texted in his group chat that he found out about Gun and Fluke threatening Kao. And they knew that Earth would make them pay, one way or another. So, now, they were being chased by him all over the college campus, first thing in the morning, trying to save themselves from the wrath of their dear friend. From their department's building, to the Law studies' one. And from Medical school's building, now to Engineering one. But when they reached there, Gun and Fluke decided to split up. Earth went to follow Fluke first, knowing younger would give in first. And that's what happened. But Gun, on the other hand, ran into trouble. While trying to run away from Earth's sight, he bumped into a senior, making both of them fall down hard. But rather than just simply apologising and moving on, he started cursing at the other (RIP to his short lived temper). What less can you expect from Mr. Gun? Looking for trouble where ever he went.

So, that's how the argument started between the senior and Gun. But thankfully, before things became more heated, Fluke and Earth jumped in between, apologising on Gun's behalf. And fortunately, the senior accepted the apology, forgiving them. But he told them to never make 'this guy' (referring to Gun) show up in front of him again. And like that, they got out of there, but not before Gun cursing at the senior under his breath one last time.

"I am telling you, I don't get good vibes from that senior.", Gun said, as soon as they took their seats in the classroom. All were so tired after their little 'morning exercise' session, that they decided to catch their breaths first before continuing the chase. Plus, their morning class was going to start anyway, so they just decided to rest in the classroom 20 minutes early.

"You said that the last time too." Fluke said, still trying to catch his breath. Both Gun and Earth looked at Fluke, confused. Not knowing what he meant by 'last time'.

"You've met that senior before?"Earth asked Gun. But he just shook his head in response.

"You don't remember him?" Fluke asked Gun, surprised at the guy's bad memory, but lowkey still not surprised. "He is the same guy from the restaurant incident." But looking at the still clueless face of the other, Fluke continued. "The guy who stood in front of you in line. The one who took the last can of coke. The one who sat at your favourite seat-"

"OH THAT BITCH!" Gun exclaimed, finally realising who his friend was talking about. "Yup! Him.", Fluke said, relieved that the older finally got it.

"So, it was him." Earth said, realising who Fluke was talking about too. Fluke just nodded.

"You better not go looking for trouble again with that senior." Fluke warned the troublemaker of the group.

"Okay Mom." Gun replied sarcastically.

Not long after that conversation ended, the professor and the other students came in and the class began.


So, the three were seated in the cafeteria for lunch. Earth had told them that he had thought of the way to make them payback for what they did.

"So, for you my dear cousin a.k.a my best friend- You will go on three of the blind dates that Aunt Sophia arranges for you. It can be with the same person, or three different people. That's for you to decide. All the best." Earth said, with a mocking smirk. He knew how much the younger hated those blind dates and did everything in his power to avoid them.

"Nooooooooo...." Fluke just whined. He knew he couldn't argue with Earth, so he had to accept the punishment.

"And for you..." Earth turned his gaze towards Gun. "...You will befriend that senior that we ran into earlier in the time limit of a month. You cannot be rude to him. Have do everything he says. And even if he pushes you away, you have to give your best to make him like you. And it can't be half ass-ed. I have to see you try your best, only then I will approve of it."

"Wtf?! Seriously?! We just threatened your But, that too, he ratted on us (that traitor)." Gun got so stressed hearing what he had to do for the punishment. He just hoped that Earth would pity him and change his mind. But Earth had already set his mind. " Plus, how do I start? I don't even know his name!"

"Mark Siwat Jumlongkul"

Earth and Gun turned their gaze towards Fluke, not sure what he meant. So, Fluke repeated what he said seeing the others looking at him like a lost puppy.

"Mark Siwat Jumlongkul. His name. I saw his ID card earlier." Fluke confessed.

"See, now you know his name. All the best." Earth savagely said. Showing his friend two thumbs up.
A/N- Sorry for the short ass chapter.

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