Chapter 18: Cat out of the bag - Part Two

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"Hi" Ohm said.

"Hey" Fluke replied.

The awkwardness in the air between was so dense and suffocating, that neither could fund words to say.

", it's been a while, huh?" Finally Ohm tried to break through the mist of awkward.

"Yes. Yes, it has been a while indeed." Fluke was doing everything in his power to avoid eye contact with the other. His past actions made him feel the need to do so. Those...those things that happened...they were nothing to be proud of after all.

"D-do you wanna get a coffee or something? I know we just had some food-" Ohm was interrupted by Fluke saying, "Um no, thank you. I think I should just leave. I don't want to burden you with myself again."

"No!- I mean, no. You weren't a burden at all." Ohm suddenly remembered that night. And without realising he chuckled a little at the memory.

Fluke was not dumb. He quickly realised the reason behind the other's laugh.
His face flushed red as he tried not to remember the events of the night.

"Um you wanna go for a coffee?" Ohm proceeded with his question again.

"I'm sorry, but I have some work at home." Fluke replied. He was not lying though. He did had some things his mother had asked him to help with.

"I see." Ohm thought for a little while before taking out his phone from his back pocket. "If it's okay with you, can I have your number please?"

The flush was even more visible now.
"W-w-what?! Why?!" Fluke said in a flustered way.

"Please don't get me wrong. You don't have to if you don't want to. I just wanted to get to know you better. Maybe hang out. Have coffee?" Ohm said with a bit of uncertainty. He was just trying his best to not sound like a creep.

"Um I mean, I don't have a problem with that. And since you are P'Kao's friend too, I don't see a harm in hanging out sometimes too." Fluke had still not made eye contact, but the awkwardness somewhat had disappeared on it's own.

The two exchanged numbers and said their goodbyes. But not before Ohm oh so sweetly asked if Fluke had a ride home or if he wanted the other to give him a ride. To which a very, very flushed Fluke replied with a, "Thank you, but I brought my car." And practically ran off.

[In a bar, after Fluke's second date]

Fluke was alone just sipping a cocktail and looking around the bar. It was noon, so the bar was quite empty. There were some people in groups of 2 or 3 chatting and drinking. Fluke was just tired out of his mind. 

His date was as good as it could have gotten for him. The guy wasn't too bad, but Fluke wasn't interested anyway, so he just tried to leave as soon as possible. But he didn't want to go back to college just yet so he decided to go to a bar. 

At first he was going to a café. But the one he usually goes to was closed for some reason. But, there was this bar right beside the café. So, after giving it a thought or two, Fluke decided to go to the bar. 'I mean, what could go wrong, right?  It's still day time. And I'll just have a cocktail and get out. Done.'  Was what Fluke thought to himself. And boy was he wrong.

Fluke was enjoying his drink and scrolling through internet, when a middle-aged man came an sat a seat away from him. The younger took little notice to it and continued with his own activity.

But then a few minutes later, the bartender passed Fluke a glass with whisky in it. Fluke was not even tipsy to say he had ordered while drunk. So, he looked at the bartender with a question mark on his face, so, the bartender gestured towards the man who was now waving at Fluke with an eerie expression on his face.

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