Chapter 13: Happiness...

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That day, Earth came home early from college to work on a little surprise that he had been planning on since a week for Kao.

He had been planning and preparing for it every evening at Fluke's house, lying to the older that he was working on an "assignment" with the other. Although, Kao was confused as to why Earth would always refuse to bring his cousin over at their place, even though he said he was fine with it, he didn't look into it much. He'd just be wondering if the younger had had dinner yet or not, while buying something for his dinner on his way back home as usual, expect it would only be one serving.

In the past week, the relationship between Earth and Kao had become so much more comfortable and relaxing. They didn't call each other friends, but rather, someone they were really close to and cared about.

They would call or facetime each other whenever they felt like it. They would talk about the little things they did that day to something totally different, such as, what movies they liked or the places they would want to visit someday.

Even though Kao didn't have much experience in dating, he thought this must be what it felt like. And the fact that the other person was legally his husband, made little butterflies fly around his stomach.

But pulling himself back to reality, he knew he shouldn't get his hopes up too high. He didn't know what feelings the other had towards him. So, he couldn't totally let go of the thought that the other would want a divorce and would leave him one day. It was an unsettling, but it was the truth.

Kao would do everything in his power to not get too involved. But little did he know, all his attempts to not catch feelings would go to waste that night.

Kao knew that Earth was gonna be home today. Rather, he knew he was home already. Because, they had just facetimed, as Kao was on his way home. And was told by Earth to bring some groceries and not to buy dinner, since he already got it. Then messaged him the list of things which contained 5-6 items.

At first, Kao was a little confused, because if his memory was correct (it was), milk and sugar, two of the items that were on the list, they hadn't ran out of them yet. But he didn't question it. 'If Nong* says we need it, we are getting it.' Kao said to himself. (*Nong or N' is an honorific used to address people who are younger/is your junior at workplace or school or college)

It was almost 7 when Kao reached to his front door. He unlocked the door and was met with darkness. Flashbacks from a week ago started to play in his head. He walked in the house, grocery bag in one hand, the other holding on to the wall for reassurance.

He called out to see if Earth was there or not. "Hello?" His voice high pitched. "Earth, are you there?"

As he reached the living room, there were candles that were lit up in the middle of the room. But before Kao got a chance to scream and run, the lights were switched on. Fairy lights to be exact.

"Surprise!~" Earth exclaimed from across the room. In front of him was a table, decorated with candles and a vase with white lilies. Along with were two plates that had food served on them already.

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