Chapter 8: Change - Part Two

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After the wedding ceremony was over, they all headed to the event hall where the dinner was going to be held. Since both the families agreed on keeping it a small event, there were only around 200 to 300 guests. Consisting of close relatives, friends and, businessmen and businesswomen from all the companies that were associated with either, Mr. Kard or, Mr. Perth.

It was already past 10 pm now, but the party was still loud and alive. People were, either busy talking about business and other stuff, or, enjoying the food and good music that was playing in the background. Little kids were already sound asleep. While the more hyped ones were still running around, having the time of their lives with their friends.

Every now and then, some would come up to meet the newly weds, congratulate them and give them gifts. Whereas the 'newly weds' would thank them with the most convincing smile they could come up with and then go back to dozing off until someone else shows up to them. Yes, they were sleeping. They were so tired that couldn't help but to fall asleep leaning onto each other without realising.

It had been a long day for both, Kao and Earth. They were exhausted, mentally and physically. They had been awake since 4 in the morning. The destination of the wedding was about a 3 and a half hour long drive from Bangkok. Then they had to get their hair and make up done, put on their outfits, which took about 2-3 hours. And the fact that they were nervous and stressed the whole day did not help in any way either.

After another 2 hours, they finally wrapped up to go home.

Past mid night, and, Kao and Earth were fast asleep in the backseat of the car. Earth was sleeping leaning onto Kao's shoulder. While Kao had placed his head on Earth's. Both were too out of it to even think about where or how they were sleeping.

After a 4 hour long drive, they had finally reached their new apartment, which Mr. Kard had gifted them for their wedding. It was not the first time they had been there though. During the time they were shifting, they had visited a couple of times. So, they were quite familiar with the place already.

The driver, who was assigned by Mr. Perth, informed the two that they had arrived to their destination. Kao and Earth could barely even open their eyes, still leaning onto each other. Earth was the first to pull away, as he opened the door to get out of the car. Kao followed behind. The driver told them that he would bring their luggage upstairs, and that they can go on first. The sleeping duo dragged their feet to the elevator, as the driver followed them with the bags. The elevator came to a stop at the 7th floor of the apartment. The two dragged their feet again to the front door of their new home. Kao took the key out of his pant's pocket and unlocked the door, still half asleep.

The two thanked the driver, as he took his leave, keeping the bags on the floor near the door. Both, then, made their way towards their separate bedrooms. Yes, the two had separate bedrooms, which was the only request they both had when Mr. Kard asked what they wanted in their new house. Although the two families were a bit unsure about the request, they didn't argue. Because this was the least they could do for them now, after all that they made them do.

The house on it's own was not as luxurious as one would think. But, it was perfect for two people. A living room, which had it's own bathroom; a kitchen neither too big, nor too small; two bedrooms and a joint bathroom, that was in the middle of the two rooms which could be accessed by either.

As soon as their body made contact with the bed, both went out like a candle.


If you'd ask what Earth was most grateful for in this world right now, he'd say weekends. It was already noon, but with the excuse that it was Sunday, a weekend, he was still in his bed, sleeping like a log. When he finally decided to wake up it was almost 1:30 pm. He checked his phone to see the time. He, then, made his way to the bathroom to carry on with his morning routine. He held the knob of the door and turned it open.

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