Chapter 7: Change - Part One

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[One month later- Wedding day]


There was a knock at the dressing room's door. Two figures walked in.

"Congratulations on your wedding day my friend~", Gun said loudly, in a sarcastic tone, as he and Fluke stood in front of Earth.

"Shut up", Earth replied in a very annoyed tone.

Today was the wedding day. Earth had said that he'd trust his Uncle and go on with the wedding. But right now, as he was seated in front of the mirror, dressed up in a white elegant suit, the only thing on his mind was how he could run away. He was so nervous that even sitting in a air conditioned room couldn't stop him from sweating. And his friends were not making it any easier. Particularly, one friend.

Gun suddenly started to fake cry. " young...sob...married...sob..." he continued with his teasing as he wiped non-existing tears off his cheeks. " were so young...we will always remember you in our hea...AH! That hurts! Ah! Stop hitting me" After being teased for so long, Earth had had enough. He took the first thing he could find (which happened to be comb) and hit Gun on his upper arm. "You are acting as if he is dying.", Fluke said standing in a corner with his hands folded, thinking Gun deserves at least this, for teasing their friend on such a day.

"Ah! Okay, okay, I'll stop." After being hit quite a few times, Gun finally surrendered to his friend as he rubbed his upper arm. He, then, just went and sat on one of the sofas in the room and played with his phone as Fluke and Earth converserd.

"So...Aunt really didn't come?" Earth asked Fluke, although, he already knew the answer.

"" Fluke couldn't even answer in words when he saw the look on Earth's face. He could clearly see how hurt his cousin was.

"Dad came. But...she was still really mad at you and Uncle Kard. She said that she wouldn't come no matter what. And that she is not going to forgive you two so easily." It even hurt Fluke to say all that his mother had said to him when he begged her to attend the wedding.

When Mrs. Lily came to know that the wedding is actually going to happen, she was furious. She straight away went to see Mr. Kard, believing he had broken the promise he made to her. He told her that Earth had really agreed, but she thought he was lying. But when she asked Earth, he told her that he was okay with the marriage. "It's just a marriage anyway.", was what he said. Mrs. Lily couldn't believe her ears. She had always wished that Earth would live his life the way he wants to. Doing what he loves. And not just doing things others want him to, just because he was scared he'd disappoint someone, or, become a burden to someone. But that day, unknowingly, he had disappointed a very important person in his life.

He got more concerned about his Aunt than getting married, after Fluke told him all that. He was almost on the verge of shedding tears. But he had to control his emotions. He knew better than to do that right now.

"Are you okay?" Fluke could see Earth trying to control his tears.

"Y-yeah." The lump in Earth's throat was making it harder for him to speak. "I-I was just w-wondering how good you are looking." Earth tried to change the topic. Trying to lighten the mood. He needed to distract himself. Or else, he wouldn't be able to get on with this wedding. 'Get yourself together. You cannot back out now. Come on! Get a grip on yourself.' Earth kept on repeating such words in his head.

"Huh?" Fluke was confused, but then he caught on to what Earth was trying to do. So, he just played along. "Thanks.", he smiled. "Of course, I have to look good. I am the best man after all.", He said proudly, wiggling his eyebrows.

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