Chapter 71

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Hey y'all! Thanks SO MUCH for all the likes and votes on my story! It means really much to me, especially during this time.  I mean, I kind of thought that the last chapter should be my final ending of this book, but I've been thinking about the book for the past little while, and you guys SO deserve much a better ending. So for the next couple weeks I'm going to be working on the FINAL THREE (Or maybe four) Chapters of this book! It's gonna be great! Again, thanks for all the love and support, you guys are amazing!

"Fitz, you don't understand. It's a little girl. They call her project Gorgodon." Sophie could just remember the small little face staring up at her, with eyes that looked almost pleading. Fitz ran his hands through his hair and looked at her. 

  "It's not that I don't understand, Sophie, but what can we possibly do?" He grabbed Addy as she ran into his arms and swung her high above Sophie's head. Sophie huffed. 

  "Well, we can't just leave her there. I mean, we're, what? 23? Fitz, this girl is 7. We have to do something." Sophie looked up at him, only a couple inches from her. "Please." This time it was Fitz's turn to huff, conflicted. 

  "Fine. Fine, fine, fine. But what in the world do you suggest we do?" Sophie looked up at him, already a plan clear in her mind. 

                                                                                . . . 

  "Uh .. sure?" Dex replied when Sophie talked him into it. "But why would you want to look like her?" Sophie didn't know why she wished Dex not to get involved, but she couldn't stand dragging her friends into her problems again. 

  "Please, Dex. I just need them. How long will they last?" She tried to avoid his question. He sideways glanced at her with his eyebrows drawn together, looking like he was battling if he should push the question further or not. He seemed to have decided against it, so he handed her the vials a little reluctantly and said: "One hour, and no more. So whatever scheme you're planning, get out of there within at least 50 minutes, okay?" She nodded. 

"Thank you, Dex. Thank you." She didn't want him to know why she and Fitz needed to look and sound like Umber and Gethen for 50 minutes, so she ran out of there as fast as she could. 

                                                                                       . . . 

 "Um, Fitz, can I talk to you?" Sophie asked when she leaped home from Slurps and Burps. He spun around and nodded as if he knew what she was going to say. 

"I don't think the Elvin world is meant for us. I ... I've been thinking about it a lot, and I thought maybe while we're saving the girl we could .. uh .. leave?" With our kids, become humans. like live in the human world where no one is trying to kill us, test on our children, I mean doesn't that sound nice?"

 Sophie looked into his eyes, not joking at all. His expression told her that he was about to object, tell her she was crazy, but all he said was: "I agree. I think it's time."

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