Chapter 4

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"Hey Sophie." Tam said, and Edaline screamed. Almost instantly, Grady was there, covered in green feathers, but still there. Tam's hands shot up into the air, by Grady's Mesmerizing, Sophie thought. Then Grady took over from there. "Why are you here? I thought you joined the Neverseen." Grady asked him, and Tam looked back at Sophie. "I escaped!" He said, as if he was only talking to Sophie. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Grady growled, and made Tam punch himself in the gut. Tam's arm went back up into the air, as Grady said, "Try again." Tam's eyes revealed his panic. "No, seriously!" He gasped, as terror hit him. "Do you see a Neverseen cloak?" Grady grunted as he noticed Tam wasn't lying. "Still," Grady said. "That doesn't prove anything." Tam tried to wiggle his way out of Grady's mesmerizing field, but Grady held him solid. Then, Grady rode around him, checking every pocket, and grunted. "I found nothing. Not even a pathfinder." Sophie sighed in relief. Then Tam's arms dropped to his side again. "Thank you, Mr......." Tam's mouth was left open, trying to remember Sophie's parents last name. Grady glowered at him. "Ruewen." He growled. Tam nodded, several more times then he probably should have. "Now, Sophie." He said. "If you could point me in the direction of my sister, then I will be on my way." Sophie hesitated, looking at Grady and waiting for him to nod his approval, but he just glared at Tam "Um ... well... She's at the silver tower with Wylie." Sophie said. Tam started at her for a moment, and then came back into focus. "Wylie??!!" He asked, a mix of confusion and scarcity in his voice. He turned and started to walk out the door. Grady grabbed his arm. "Woah woah woah, you're just going to let him go?" He asked. Sophie considered his point of view. She had been worried sick the past few months, and now she was just going to let him go? She thought for a moment, then settled for talking with Tam privately later. "It's okay, Dad. I will talk to him later. He is probably dying to see Linh." Tam thanked her silently and hurried out the door.  She sighed Then Edaline took control once again. She looked at Sophie. "Red dress?" And Sophie nodded. "okay," She said. "I'll head into town to get all that worked out. for now, you need to make 8 invitations, and I expect them to be done by the time I get back." Sophie sighed. This was harder than she thought. 

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