Chapter 62

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This chapter is dedicated to @queen_mimidizznee for voting the most on my chapters! 

"FITZ!!" Sophie shouted, clearly not thinking to keep silent to keep the kids asleep. She had only manifested at 5 years old. Could her children really be manifesting this ... you know ... EARLY??? 

Or was she literally going insane?

It was very possible. 

She heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and someone crying. Thank goodness Addy's water ball was still orbiting around her, and Dean still had his fireball alive with flame. Fitz arrived at the door. "What? Is Dean levitating again .. or ..." 

"Oh my go..."

he trailed off. 

And they just stayed still. 

Once the kids woke up, Sophie sprung into action. "This explains everything!" She practically screamed, and rushed to wake up Dean so his Fireball would smother. It did ... eventually. 

Fitz already had Addy in his arms, cooing at her and rewarding her with 'you beat your mother!' 

Sophie glared at him. "Don't reward her, she could have flooded our house ... or Dean could've burnt it down!" Fitz looked confused. "Sophie, they just manifested. No one has ever manifested earlier than that. Ten months old!  Don't you understand how big of a deal this is? They didn't burn down our house and they didn't flood it either. We must take them to my Dad!" 

Sophie considered his point of view. "Yes, I know. But don't you think we should at least take them to Elwin first? How about you hail your Dad and let him know." She suggested, and this wave of emotion came over her. 

She didn't want her children to be like her. And not because they would steal her glory. She wasn't like that. But ... she didn't want them to go through the path she did. Always having experiments done on her. Always in danger. Always wondering if there was a point for living. Always wanting to be 'normal'. She never fit in. There were always people whispering about her. There were always tests being done on her. She didn't want that life for her children. 

Had she dove into this thing too soon?

And if the Black Swan was always doing tests on her ... they would probably never leave their kids alone. 

Fitz snapped her back into reality. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, and Sophie noticed that there were tears leaking down her cheeks. She had to be honest with him. "Fitz, I don't want this for them. I don't want their life to be like mine." She instantly regretted the words, hoping with her life that she hadn't just offended Fitz. He seemed fine. Then he grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. "Yes you do." 

Once they had arrived at Elwin's office, they sat down and Elwin started flashing a bunch of different yellow colours around Addy, who Fitz was holding. 

Sophie had to ask. "What does yellow show you?" She questioned, and suddenly Elwin gasped. 

Fitz spoke in a deep and very protective voice. "What did you find, Elwin?" He asked, and Elwin cleared his throat. 

"This is going to seem really confusing, but I need you to listen very closely." He said, and Sophie nodded rapidly. Just tell us!!

Elwin continued. "What I just found was the same pattern I found in Sophie's cells. Different patterns mean different abilities but the patterns only used to show in Sophie's cells. I couldn't find anything of the sort in anyone else's. It's like a secret code to show you what abilities they will have. And Sophie always had 7."

Sophie almost choked on her own saliva. "What?!" She had only discovered five of her abilities and now she was being told she had .. 7?! She shuddered. "So, is there any way of knowing what patterns are what abilities?" She asked, already guessing the answer. 

Elwin shook his head. "I have never seen anything like it. But old stories that the elders used to write of tell stories of the 'code'. Where did that book go?" He murmured, wandering away and leaving Sophie and Fitz speechless.

The elves back then must have had a special tool back then to see the patterns, because Elwin claimed he only had seen the patterns in Sophie's cells before.

Sophie heard Elwin's screech from the other room. "I found the book!" 

Sorry for the cliffhanger. I will write again soon. Remember to vote, comment, and follow! 

Any requests for chapters further in the book? Please share! 

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