Chapter 27

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Sophie's eyes pricked with tears as she glittered onto the shimmering path of Havenfield. She closed in on the door, wondering if somehow Grady and Edaline could come live with her. But at the same time.. She didn't want to leave this house .... "Oww!" Fitz yelped, as he dropped one of two of Sophie's giant suitcases she had brought. "Oh, here. Let me help you!" She hurried over to him, grabbing one of the huge suitcases and heaving it over her shoulder. Stupidly, elvin suitcases didn't have the tiny wheels on them like the human ones did, and when she suggested it to the shopkeeper, he looked at her in panic and then said, "No Human. Human human nothing, no." It didn't make sense to Sophie why the elves refused to make anyone's lives easier, but honestly, this they had to admit that humans had the better idea. She pushed open the door to Havenfield, only to see Grady and Edaline slowly eating their lunch. Once they heard the door creak open, Edaline rushed over to Sophie, and hugged her so tightly she could hardly breathe. After a moment, Sophie managed to pull away, only to find Grady ready to do the same thing. "So.." Sophie managed to say, though her voice was muffled by Grady's shoulder. He let her go. Before she could say anything, Fitz stepped in and said, "I have no means to butt in, but I do have to gather my own things from Everglen." Sophie could see his gaze flicker and his eyes well up with tears. He bolted out of there before Edaline could even rest a hand on his shoulder. She smiled. "Well, I know you guys are married and all.. But.." Edaline glanced her way. Sophie sighed. "'And all'? Is that now how this is going to be?" Grady looked like he wanted to say yes, but he managed to resist and shook his head. "No, Sophie. We love that you guys .. figured it out, but you just still seem so young ....." Sophie couldn't believe this. "Were happy, though!" She argued, and Edaline seemed to hate Grady for going to far. She glared at him as she announced, "Yes. And if you're happy, I promise. We will be too." She smiled and then shook her head furiously as if she couldn't believe something. "Oh! I almost forgot! You have to take some friends with you before you go. And... Don't worry. The council has approved and Fitz has already set up an enclosure." Sophie was about to say Iggy, but the whole 'Approved by the council' thing made her discard the idea immediately. 

    "No ... Seriously?!! The Council approved of this?!! AWESOME!!" Grady laughed as Sophie nuzzled Silveny's nose. She was going to take the whole family of Alicorn's home! She watched as Greyfell protectively surrounded his foals. Friend. Kin. Trust. Sophie insisted. Greyfell settled, and Sophie tried then to bond with Luna and Wynn. She transmitted to Luna first. Friend? The poor little alicorn looked terrified but then Silveny transmitted, Sophie. Friend. Trust. Luna calmed at that point, and walked up to Sophie. Sophie actually squealed, she was so cute. Then She bonded with Wynn, and he seemed to use the same term, Kin, like his father. Once everyone was set to go, Edaline leaped Sophie's bags to Silverfield, and Sophie met Fitz at the dome. "So. I'm thinking were just going to teleport there, since Luna and Wynn can't fly as long as Silveny and Greyfell." Fitz nodded, but he still looked freaked out. "Hey!" She said, "Don't worry. Greyfell already trusts you. See?" She pointed to where Greyfell was struggling to nuzzle him in between the big purple bars. Fitz laughed. "Yeah, fair." Then Sophie and Fitz slid into the enclosure, and hopped on the backs of Silveny and Greyfell. Sophie tried to transmit to Silveny,  but she was too concentrated on reassuring her babies. Sophie smiled. Somehow, it didn't surprise her that Silveny was such a good mama.  Once Sophie was actually able to transmit, Silveny was pumped to be able to fly again. SOPHIE! FRIEND! TRUST! FLY! BABY OKAY! BABY OKAY! Sophie smiled as Silveny sent her another batch of FLY! FLY! FLY! "I think we better get going before Silveny just leaves herself." Sophie said to Fitz, but he was already on Greyfell's back. "I agree" He noted, desperately struggling to hold on as Greyfell stroked his little daughters neck. Then he looked at Sophie, and said READY! KIN! FLY! Just as Sophie was climbing on Silveny's back. Silveny watched Wynn while Greyfell watched Luna. Then they set off into the sky. Sophie managed to catch one last glimpse of Fitz's terrified-happy face, as the sky cracked and they tumbled into the void. 

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