Chapter 60

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this Chapter is dedicated to @IcequeenIceq35 who was my first follower!

"What?" Sophie rushed in the door, and faced Keefe. "Like what?" She asked, scanning the room for Addy and Dean. She didn't see them anywhere. Keefe clutched his chest. "Woah, Foster. calm down. Please. It's really not that big of a deal." He said, and Sophie nodded, trying to slow down her breathing. Dex's panicked voice squealed from the other room. "What are you talking about, lunatic! This is major!" Keefe rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know. I was trying to .. oh forget it. C'mon Sophie." He yelled back at Dex. And strolled into the living room like nothing had happened. 

"Oh my goodness!" Sophie shouted, when she saw Dean. "They're only 10 months old!" She saw Dean levitating and his little hairs were gently scraping the roof. "How did he .. ?" Sophie just stood, despite how panicked she was. "We don't know." Dex said. "Keefe asked if they wanted a bath, and Dean freaked out and did that, an Addy seemed excited." He said. Sophie had almost forgot about Addy. "Where is she?" Sophie said, and Keefe and Dex both exchanged nervous glances. "Umm.. Well ..." Keefe then pointed at Dex "Well he freaked out and decided that we should grab a bunch of pillows incase he falls, and Addy kinda mighta kinda ran away while we were doing it? Geez Dex, did you forget all about Addy? Man, this guy ... hehe" Keefe said, patting Dex on the head who was at least a foot lower than him. "Wow," Dex rolled his eyes. "Way to keep up Team Deefe." Sophie was too shocked to speak. "HOW COULD YOU?!!!" She said, and sprinted up the stairs to find Addy. Keefe called out to her. "WHAT ABOUT DEAN?" He called. "JUST GET MORE PILLOWS" She yelled back at him. She sprinted up the giant set of wide stairs, and her legs hurt once she got to the top. "Okay, she does love baths. First stop: the bathtub." Sophie told herself, gaining her breath before she sprinted into the first large bathroom on the first floor. Sure enough, the water was flowing in a bubble bath. How had she gotten the bubbles? AND the water? Wait ... the tub was completely filled, and overflowing. Had she drowned? Sophie would have teared up if she wasn't so panicked in the moment. Something inside her shifted, and she felt the tiredness in her legs vanishing, like Biana in a dark room. She hobbled over to the tub, and pulled the plug. Something in the water stirred, and Addy's head popped up. She did NOT look happy. "Mumm don't rooon babh." She said. Sophie picked her up and hugged her. "Addy! You can't have a bath without Mum. How did you ...?" She said, how had Addy been underwater? Addy frowned and looked away. She just happened to look at the tub. "Bubbus!" She pointed to the white fluffy bubbles, laying all over the floor. "Addy! Look at the mess you made." Sophie pointed to the bubbles on the whole floor. Addy patted Sophie's head. "Otay. Mum. Otay." Sophie smiled, and tightened her hold. She looked back at Addison. "How did you stay underwater?" Sophie asked, her mind finding no possible solution. She was ten months old for crying out loud! But yet, Addy and Dean had always seemed strange to her. Elwin apparently couldn't see anything wrong, yet Dean had been able to levitate and Addy had been able to breathe underwater? Was she breathing underwater? Or did Sophie just pull her out in the nick of time? She would have to bring the questions to Alden, but she doubted even he would understand. She realized Addy was squirming in her arms. "Ammy hungry." She said, pointing to her chest. "Okay, let's go get something to eat." Sophie said. "But first I have to call Daddy." Addy kept squirming and Sophie put her down. Addy wandered away, but Sophie kept her eyes glued to Addy's back before she pulled out her Imparter. "Show me Fitz Vacker"

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