Chapter 9

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Wow. All rings. She had opened all her presents from Keefe, Dex, and Fitz. they were seriously all rings. Oh no.The MusicGrady really was being evil, he had put on 3 slow songs in a row, and there was another one. This time, Fitz took her hand and asked her to dance. "Uh.. sure." She replied, really not in the way she intended to. Fitz nodded, and Sophie panicked. She never learned how to dance!! She had watched human shows with it anyways. She took Fitz's hand, and he took hers. Then they each wrapped an arm around each other's waist, swinging with each footstep on-beat. It was beautiful. She rested her head on his, only to find someone staring at her over his shoulder. Keefe. "Hi," he said, startling her so much she lost her hold on Fitz. That's when Keefe grabbed her. He held her hand, twirling her short red dress, and then swung his arm around hers. Sophie did the same. Then Keefe laughed at Fitz. "Ha Wonderboy gotta steal her for a while," He said. Smiling his biggest. Sophie sighed. This was going to be a long, long night. Suddenly, she felt another jerk, and then she was somehow in Dex's arms, twirling to another slow song Grady had put on. How long was this frenzy going to last?? GRADY!!! She thought. YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE!! STOP THE SLOW SONGS!!! But he didn't. She caught a glimpse of his face through the window, grinning even bigger than before. Then she heard Dex laugh, calling out to Keefe. "Try that!" Sophie got spun around again, twirling slowly. Then suddenly she was back in Fitz's arms, and he laughed. The rest went in a blur, she was being stolen from arms and being replaced with new ones, and one time she had fallen into Valin's arms. EEEEEEWWWWWW There was a blob of drool on his face, that Sophie couldn't take her eyes off of. Then it was over. Everyone went home, in a flash of time. Then Edaline and Grady hopped out, hugging her and kissing her. "You did great!!" Edaline laughed and hugged her. Sophie was happy. She felt great.

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