Chapter 48

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"Breathe, Sophie, just breathe." Sophie felt the panic rising in her throat. Her huge stomach once again contracted, and she found herself barely able to breathe. She took another huge, shaky breath. She looked over at Fitz, who had turned green and started shaking. Sophie took his hand and offered him a weak smile. Fitz had a hard time returning it. Elwin stood, his eyes wide and he looked like he was terrified. Sophie was about to ask him if something was wrong, but then Grady and Edaline rushed into the room. "Sophie!" Edaline called, and Sophie recognized the same panic in Edaline's voice as she felt in herself. She took another deep breath. Once Edaline had a grasp of her hand, she wouldn't ever let go. Fitz then squeezed his tighter and they seemed to be having a 'who can support Sophie better' contest. Sophie took another huge breath, and looked at Elwin. Grady copied her actions, once he saw that Elwin wasn't giving her any elixirs, his face hardened and he said, "Something wrong, Elwin?" In a horrible dark haunting voice that made it seem like he was going to leap and tackle him. Thankfully, he didn't. Elwin took a deep breath just like Sophie. "Y-yeah. e-e-every-ything will be fine." that might have been the world's most unconvincing 'reassurance', but no one said anything more. Sophie suddenly remembered Silveny's pregnancy and what 'crowning' meant. She shuddered. Edaline placed a hand on her shoulder. "Everything okay?" She asked, and Sophie felt a sudden emotion that couldn't be ignored. "Of course not! Do I look okay?" She yelled, suddenly her muscles contracted again, and she squeaked in pain. "Sophie, it would help if you tried to calm your emotions for the moment, is it possible you can reach out to Silveny?" Elwin asked, and Sophie almost smacked herself. Of course! The glittery mama alicorn could help her keep calm, and maybe she could ease the pain? Sophie knew deep down that that couldn't happen, but somehow she was counting on it. She turned abruptly towards Fitz, a new idea forming in her head. "Call Keefe, tell him to come." she ordered Fitz, tired of him ordering her around for 9 months. Fitz's face hardened. "Why do you nee--" Sophie cut him off. "Just get Keefe!" She said, and then Fitz pulled out him Imparter, mumbled something about needing Keefe and pressed the call button. Sophie tuned out Fitz, and everyone around her, and started the mental search for Silveny.

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