Chapter 36

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 "So!" Grady exclaimed, when he arrived at Silverfield. "Time to have that talk, Fitzy." Fitz squirmed. "Fitzy?" Grady nodded. "Hold out your wrist." Fitz smiled, confused. "Uhhh.." Grady grabbed Fitz's wrist and hauled him up the stairs, before Sophie could say a word. Edaline rushed in a few moments later. "Hey Sophie!" She called, as she held open the front door to let someone else in. "Biana?" Sophie asked, and Biana nodded. "We're here to do some pregnant lady shopping!!!!" Sophie crossed her arms over her already stretched out stomach. "I don't know if that's such a good ide--" Sophie got cut off by Edaline eyeing her sadly. Then Sophie sighed. Edaline probably never had a chance to do this with Jolie, so Sophie painfully agreed. 

  "This is the clothing shop?" Sophie muttered, and she hoped nobody heard, but Biana squealed happily. "Yeah! Isn't it just wonderful?! Even the smell...." The breathed in deep. Sophie rolled her eyes. But, it was pretty cool. There were dresses and clothing hanging from the ceiling everywhere, and there were NO shelves on flat ground. "Why are they all hanging from the roof?" Sophie asked, and Biana looked at her like her face had transformed into an ogre. "Uhhh, yeah. Who wants the dresses to get all crinkled??" Sophie nodded, still not fully understanding but Biana was still eyeing her weirdly.  "Oh, right." Sophie managed to blurt out. Biana smiled. "So. Most of the people that come here are Lords and Ladies, so they know how to levitate super well. That is how I know how to levitate really well. If you can manage to get up there, we can look through those dresses. Sophie nodded, ready to unleash the strength in her core. But before she did, she asked Biana another question. "Okay well if this is the clothes shop, then where is all the mens stuff?" She asked, and Biana motioned over to where the giant golden door. "Out the door, around the corner, down the hall." She threw out the words so fast, Sophie could barely understand them. Then Biana eyed her again. "So..." Biana said, looking at Sophie like she had just asked a really important question and expected an answer. "So...?" Sophie ventured, reminding Biana that she had just said one single syllable.  Biana kind of glare-smiled. "The dresses? Can you levitate for long enough?" She asked, and Sophie thought again. "Isn't there like a balcony, or something?" Sophie asked, but still not ever answering the question. "I mean, can they just hand them like normal human stores?" Sophie asked. Biana looked at her like she had just eaten a cute baby bunny. "The elvin world doesn't copy anything from the forbidden cities. You could almost say it is against the law." Sophie looked at Biana, not believing the words she had just said. Edaline must have caught her confusion because then she said, "It's true. Once someone went to a tribunal for copying the human shoe. The only things the elves are allowed to copy are books." Edaline said quietly, like she was scared of the words herself. Sophie still didn't approve of the whole 'if you copy humans you will go to elvin... oh wait there is no jail so you just get punished really bad! ' Sophie dropped it though, because she didn't want to stay in this store any longer than she had to.  "Alright, lets see what we got up there." Sophie said, and before she knew it, Biana and Edaline were already floating themselves up there. Sophie closed her eyes, reaching deep deep down into her core, and imagined her being carried up by a giant bird. Before she knew it, she was up, floating with Edaline and Biana, looking through dresses. 

   "Seriously, I can't fit in any of these clothes!" Sophie grunted, as she struggled to tear off the tunic she had just managed to put on. "I'm only 5 months pregnant!" Part of her wanted to scream and throw a tantrum, and part of her wanted to just give up and cry until this baby came. Edaline eyed Sophie in a way that made her squirmish. "Yeah, I never remember being that big when I wa--" Edaline stopped, when Biana elbowed her. "Oh, sorry." There is probably nothing wrong, just maybe ..." Edaline's eyes widened but she shook her head, and floated away, muttering some excuse about bigger dresses and tunics, as she disappeared around the bend. Sophie almost settled for the crying plan. Biana must have caught it. "Listen, you're not that big. And ... even if you were, you're bringing new life to this world!" She smiled, as Sophie caught on to her annoyingly encouraging compliment. Sophie straightened. She was going to raise this baby. 

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