Chapter 67

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"A Shiftopath?" Alden asked, clearly struggling to keep up.

"Yes." Sophie closed her eyes for a moment, thinking of how this stress would effect Addy and Dean. The thought that it might harm them made the horrible thoughts that kept generating in her mind fly away. She slowly opened her eyes, to find Alden pacing in front of her. 

When he stopped, a smile had spread across his face. "Sophie, this is amazing!" He turned to her, studying her face, and frowned. "Am I missing something?" He asked.

Sophie glanced up at the way his eyebrows rose in question. She looked straight into his teal eyes which so closely resembled Fitz's. "What about Addy and Dean?" She asked, worry overtaking her once again. 

"I'll take this one" A voice rang out behind her. Sophie turned to see Mr. Forkle. Alden cast Sophie a sympathetic look as he strode out the door, colliding shoulders with Mr. Forkle. Sophie wondered if he had bumped is shoulder on purpose. 

"Listen, Sophie. I don't think this new ability will affect your children at all." He said, not meeting her eyes. 

Sophie glanced up at him, trying to catch his glance. "No?" She asked.

"No." Said Mr. Forkle. "But ... I have recently discovered something that very well could." 

Sophie didn't dare lose his gaze. Mr. Forkle continued. "Your DNA was never meant for a child. Let alone two." He explained.

Suddenly, the door burst open to reveal Fitz, who Alden must have informed. He didn't say a word, but he strode over to Sophie and sat down next to her, wrapping a protective arm around her. Mr. Forkle made a sound somewhere between a snort and a groan.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying. You were never meant to have a child. If you're children are to be guaranteed survival, they must have medicine that the Elvin world cannot produce. And since they share your DNA, I cannot guarantee they'll make it." He paused, allowing her to guess the next words that came.

"I must give them Limbium, and take them to the human doctors to fix."

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