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Derek was parked outside of our house, but why?


Your POV

We all walk up to Derek's car and knock on his window, he rolled it down and look at us.

Derek: 😮heyy, you're the kids from school

y/n: 😑 really bitch

Nova: anywayssss

Kobe: what are you doing here Derek?

Derek: Im waiting for my friend Chloe, I just texted her and shes on her way out 

(a/n you don't know Chloe's name just her face)

y/n: who th-

I was interrupted by a familiar voice, I turned from Derek's car to face where the sound was coming from and it was HER. 2 houses down the mole rat started hollering for Derek.

Chloe: Hey, Der-...YOU?!!!

y/n: hey mole rat

Dejuane: who in da hell?

Vallyk: Wait isn't she...

Asia and Mike: THE HOE!!

Derek: hey she's my friend what are you talking about

y/n: 🙄 you really don't remember do you? whatever lets just go in the house guys

We all walked in the house but I stood on the driveway lookin up at the clouds for a bit, I heard Derek start his car and slowly started to drive off. Dejuane came to keep me company and it was a nice amount of silent until this donkey started talking.

Dejuane: you okay Des?

y/n: what do you mean?

Dejuane: well the others told me about this Chloe girl and everything that happened with her

y/n: oh I see, I guess im fine, its not like Derek remembers anything that happened

Dejuanes POV

Destiny was broken, she looked as if she lost everything. I don't blame her though, she loves Derek. She's like my little sister and I don't want her to get hurt but I don't know how I can help her with this situation. 

Dejuane: Lets go inside Des, ill get some food for you ok?

Destiny: sure

She dragged her feet up the driveway and towards the door. She hasn't been herself since the hospital incident. She lost weight and isn't as cheerful anymore. I really need to figure something out. It hurts me to see her like this, cause I grew some feelings for he over these 3 months but only as a small crush. I should get over it soon though.  I made sure Des got in the house and then I took the car and went to chick-fil-a, I ordered some food (a/n i dont know what the order at chick-fil-a, Canada vibes out here😗✌️) I finished getting the food and while I was on the highway I saw..

Dejuane: DEREK?!

He was dancing to music on the street, I drove the car to the nearest shops and parked, I ran towards where Derek was and he was shaking his ass to the music.

Dejuane: Derek?

Derek: ohhh, heyyyyyy

Dereks POV

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