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miss ma'am wanted pasta, then Mr. ratfuck Devon wanted to say something important to her


Your POV

I was really hungry and stupid Devon gave me a bruise when he through the bottle at me.

y/n: can you hurry up and say it? Im dying of hunger rn

Devon: Can I just say what I want to?

y/n: fine fine go ahead lil boy

Devon: YO- nvm ok...I love you, y/n...

y/n: BAHAHAQUQUA oml nice joke man

Devon: Im dead serious

y/n: oh

When he said that I couldn't believe him, I thought he just used me as a punching bag.  I really hated him, I honestly could care less though.

y/n: good for you

Devon: wdym good for you?

y/n: well looks like we both love someone now

Devon: who do you like?



Derek busted in the room with a gun in his hand pointed towards Devon

Derek: hey y/n, you okay?

y/n: no im not☹️

Derek: what did he do? WHAT DID YOU DO DEVON?

Devon: nothing I swear

y/n: he didn't do anything

Derek: then what happened?

y/n: oh im just hungry

Derek: y- ok i'll buy you some nuggies after 

Derek put his gun on the floor and started beating up Devon until he was tired. He tied Devon with some spare rope that was on the floor and quickly untied me. He called the police and quickly took his gun and we fled.

*car trip home*

Derek: so you want those nuggies?

y/n: no im okay

Derek: whats wrongggg, he didnt hurt you did he?

y/n: no he didnt

Dereks POV

I could tell something was off she didnt want her chicken nuggies which she always wants. I waited until we got home and then when we walked in the door, everyone was staring at us worried.

Mike: y/nnnn are you okay?

y/n: im fine

Kobe: Did he hurt my baby sister?

(a/n you and Kobe became very close when you were trying to get Derek to remember you, he's your brother figure now)

y/n: no he didnt

Asia: you wanna watch a movie then?

y/n: naw...imma just go shower and head to bed

Celeste: ight

I watched y/n, walk up the stairs. She looked weak but clearly wasnt in the mood to eat, I'll talk to her after she showers.

Vallyk: hey D...DEREK

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