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Was Derek's crush on Destiny real or fake?


Your POV


Derek turned his head toward me slowly with a scared look on his face

Derek: Yes?

y/n: i wanted to hear what Dejuane was going to say🥺

Derek: He was just going to say that I had a crush on you, but I don't know why...that all

I was dead silent, shock was written all over my face


Derek: wait!, oh shit did I just say that

Vallyk & Nova: yup

y/n: anywayssss

1 month later at school

(a/n sorry for the time skip)

Your POV

A couple days ago me and Derek started "talking", he still doesn't remember our old relationship but I'm willing to make knew one's. Anyways Derek drove me to school but we had separate classes so we couldn't stay together☹️ but its ok, I have my next class with him. Every five minutes of my class check the time to see when I can go, I was so excited to see Derek again. Class was going by quick but then i had to go to the bathroom so I asked the teacher and she said I could go. As I walk down the narrow high school hallways, I hear a cringe sounding couple, but it sounded like two girls or maybe a high pitched sounding guy. I turn around the corner and see Derek with his hands up and a girl kissing him, but not just any girl...CHLOE. OH HELL NAW BOTH THESE BITCHES ARE FINNA DIEEEEE. I stomped up to the two of them and slapped both Derek and ratfuck. 

y/n: I can't believe you Derek

I mumbled to myself

Derek: Des I swear I didn't do anything, i-

Chloe: he said he loves me


I yanked that hoes hair and dragged her outside, and beat that bitch. After I was done being the baddest bitch that I am, walked to the bathroom past Derek. I reached the bathroom and walked in and all my feelings came out, I punched the wall and cried as quiet as I could. I truly loved Derek he was just playing me? I honestly don't know anymore, what this life has for me.

Derek's POV

I had to go to the principles office cause I was throwing airplanes in the class, and while I was walking their Chloe showed up. I waved to her and she started to walk towards me.

Derek: hey chloe

Chloe: hey daddy

Derek: lmfao nice joke chloe

I started to continue walking when she slammed me against a locker and and forced her lips onto me, I put my arms up then tried to push her off but she kept them there. Damn I thought, this hoe is mad strong, what kinda bulldozer type shit she got going on? I heard footsteps coming closer but I didn't bother to look, I was busy trying to get Chloe off me, but then a hot stinging mark was left on my face by destiny.

Des: I can't believe you Derek

I heard her say below her breath

Derek: Des I swear I didn't do anything, i-

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