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On the way home

Your POV

We were driving home when Celeste started yelling.

Celeste: STOP!!

y/n: What happened?!

Celeste: We have to go to the mall

Asia: Why?

Celeste: Victoria Secret

tg/the girls

tg: oh yeah, lets go

Derek: whoa whoa whoa we can't go there

y/n:why not?

Kobe:boys walking into a lingerie store is kinda weird

Nova: it's going to be fine, your with us

Vallyk:ok then

At the Mall

Derek's POV

We walk into Victoria secret with the girls, my hands were sweating and then Destiny pulled me aside.

Destiny: Come here and look at the lingerie I want to try on

Derek: uh ok

She goes into the change room and comes out with a dark red lace top with a matching bottom, my mouth dropped and my friend stood up.

Destiny: so what do you think of this one.

I was looking at every inch of her body, tracing every curve carefully. I was interrupted by  Destiny waving her hand in my face. I pushed her against the wall and smashed my lips onto hers.


Your POV

Derek smashed his lips into mine and started rubbing my heat, I bit my lip so the moans would be held back.

Destiny: f-fuck derek

He stuck 2 fingers in and started pumping them in me, my eyes rolled back at the pleasure and soon enough he stuck in one more finger.

Derek:You shouldn't be looking so good around me or i'll act up

I was moaning quietly so nobody heard, and then Derek took his fingers out and kissed my forehead, and walked away.

Destiny: "hey!!, you weren't done" I said watching him walk away


Your POV

we got back to the house and decided to watch a movie, I was cuddling with Derek on the couch while the other couples were cuddling with each other. Derek wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started playing with my hair. I rested my head on his chest and laid my hand on his stomach.

Mike: Hey, I have some questions for Derek and Des that our supporters were curious about

Destiny: Lets hear it

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