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y/n: Derek im sorry but...


Your POV

y/n: Derek im sorry but...

Derek: but what?

y/n: its a PRANKKK bishh

Derek: 😐

y/n: ha I gotcha ass good

I started rolling around on the floor dying, I was legit crying too.

Derek: you'r e not funny

y/n: you're right im not funny. im hilarious bitchh

Everyone: damn

I continued to laugh at my own prank as I watch Derek plop down on the couch crossing his arms and pouting.

y/n: you baby

Derek: 😐

My phone dinged and I reach in my pocket, I looked at the screen and it said " wisdom tooth appointment for Derek Borgen in 15 mins" (a/n not the official government last name...should I have added the ricky too?😏)

y/n: DEREK

Derek: what

y/n: your wisdom tooth appointment is soon we have to go now

Derek: noooo, im scared

y/n: ill be right beside you 

Derek: fine

We got in the car and started driving there, 10 minutes later we reach the place and sit in the car for a minute.

y/n: you ready?

Derek: no tf im scared asl

y/n: you'll be fine

I dragged Derek in and we waited in the waiting room (a/n cause that's what you do in a fuckin waiting room)

Dentist: Derek Borgen?


I stuck my finger out 

y/n: That's this dude right here ma'am

she nodded and motioned her hand to tell us to follow her, so we did and when we got into the room Derek sat on the weird chair thing and kept on staring at the ceiling.

y/n: well i have to go now baby, the dentist said im not allowed in here when the surgery is being performed

he nodded with a sad face and I left the room

time skip, 1 hour and 30 mins later

Dentist: Miss you are allowed to see Mr. Borgen now

y/n: ok thanks 

I got up out of my chair and walked to Dereks room

y/n: miss? tf do I look like an old lady?

I got in the room and slid the door open

y/n: hey Derek

I said as I sat down in the chair beside his bed

Derek: wOoW

y/n: what?

Derek: yOu ArE pReEtYY

y/n: thank you baby

Derek: bAbYYY?

y/n: im your girlfriend Derek

Derek: 😯 I gOt a girRlFriEnDD?

(a/n why do I actually feel like he would say this)

I face palmed myself and shook my head

y/n: lets go to the car now

Derek: oOoook

I supported him as he walked to the car with me, I put him in the passengers side and buckled him up, I got into the drivers seat and started the engine. I look over at Derek who is playing with his lip. Then I start to drive.

Derek: 😨 stOopppp

I hit the breaks so fast


Derek: I left my tongue at the dentists

y/n: Bitc- no you didn't I can see it 

Derek starts touching inside his mouth and starts to scream


y/n: shhh we can go on a roller coaster after you get better

Derek: A roller coaster?

I nodded my head

Derek: I AlwAys wAnTed tO go oN a RolLeR cOasTeR

time skip 10 minutes

We walk into the house and Derek starts laugh like crazy, he starts crawling on the floor and begins to lick everyone.

Mike: yeooo, tf are you...a damn dog?

???: hey Derek

Derek gasps, stands up and runs straight to the girl that said "hey derek" she was so pretty too, and then I saw Derek hug her. Imma fight a bitch right now.

y/n: who are you?

Derek: tHis iS my sIstEr Ahiella

Ahiella: hey boo

I was so embarrassed with myself, I got jealous because of his sister.

New Character

Ahiella Borgen

Age: 14

Bestie: Aya

(a/n Aya comes later in the book)

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(a/n Aya comes later in the book)

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