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Derek: who is she?

Kobe: she's someone very important to you how can you not remember her?

Derek: clearly she's not important if I don't remember her


Your POV

I ran to the hospital bathroom and quickly locked the door, I leaned against the wall slowly falling down. At this point I was balling my eyes out,  I heard the sound of my friends calling my name but I tried to block the sounds out so I could think. Did Derek actually forget who I am? No this isn't possible he's just pranking me that stupid bum. I can't believe I actually fell for the prank, i'm so stupid.

y/n: damn I must have lost me fuggin brain cells or sum shit cause i'm stupid for believing that trash.

I started laughing so hard at my stupidity, I wiped my tears and unlocked the door, when I opened it Asia and Nova were standing there looking shock. I was smiling so hard and I started skipping down the hallway to Derek's hospital room. 

y/n: you bum I cant believe you pranked me, I was so stupid to fall for that

Derek: bruh what I don't even know who you are

y/n: you know you can stop pranking me now I already caught you

I hit his leg jokingly and in return he looked scared.

Derek: Im sorry but I really don't know who you are

y/n: mhm, boy i'm your girlfriend

Derek: I don't have a girlfriend

My smile faded so quick, could he really have forgotten me. I sat in a chair nearest to him and started talking about all the things we did together.

y/n: don't you remember how you asked me out?

Derek: like I said before I've never had a girlfriend 


Derek: STOP YELLING DAMN, I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE...so please leave

With that I slowly stood up trying to hold back my tears, I dragged my ass out the room and sat on one of the chairs, he really forgot about me. Maybe when he bumped his head it erased all the bad memories, maybe he wanted to forget about me lashing out on him. I guess what he wanted came true...but a little too much was erased.

Dereks POV

Honestly I kinda feel bad about yelling at her but she was weird, saying that I know her.  Is she a psycho or something cause she was all up on me. I was trying to process what just happened but then...

Kobe: yo ratfuck!!

Derek: who the fuck you calling ratfuck?

Vallyk: lets leave thee two alone

Asia: but why?

Vallyk: cause im scared

Nova: oop

Everyone left the room and it was just me and kobe, it was dead silent until he started yelling.


Derek: damn bruh my ears finna bust 

Kobe: why would you do that to Des?

Derek: is that the crazy girl that claims to be my girlfriend?

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