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Derek: y/n...we've been in this relationship for a while now...y/n I'm breaking up with you


Derek's POV

I am so scared to do this, she prolly gon beat my ass either way, whether that is if I do break up with her or tell her it's a prank. She looked already mad at what I had just said but I don't blame her.

y/n: 😂 ...😐 come again Derek?

Derek: I uh-

This yanky started beating my like rug, that shit hurtssss

y/n: you wanna break up with me huh? Fine then imma leave

She stormed off up the stairs and slammed her door

Your POV

Ha Derek wants to play a prank on me, fine then. He really should get better at hiding the camera. I grab a suitcase and all my clothes in it cause I needed to organize it anyways. I grabbed everything and shoved them in the bag  and put a camera in my pocket and then headed back downstairs.

Derek: where you going?


I walked passed him and walked out the door and into my car. I started the engine and turned on the camera and started to record.

y/n: so guys, Derek thinks he can prank me so imma prank him back, he did the "I wanna break up prank" so I "agreed" to breaking up and right now im in the car driving to the mall. I also purposely left my location on so he knows where I am.

10 minutes later I reach the mall, I walk inside and go shopping first I go to footlocker and buy some shoes and allat. As I walked out I heard someone call my name, I look towards them and there stood Derek waving with a camera in his hands. He ran towards me and started to speak again.


y/n: yeah I know bitch😐

Derek: what? but I hid the camera reallll good

y/n: no tf you didn't, but since you said we should break up I agree to it

I said cause I remembered I didnt stop recording with my camera

Derek: What? babyyy🥺

y/n: baby my ass, get tf outta my face🙄

I push past him and walk fast out the mall and to my car, I hopped in the car and once I close the door I start laughing hysterically as I get the camera outta my pocket.

y/n: this boy

I said shaking my head

y/n: ooooo imma go back to the house cause everbody should be back by now and when Derek comes imma say hey friend😁 he gon be pissed y'all

I drive home and walk into the gang sitting on the couh

everybody: heyyy

y/n: heyyyy

I didn't tell them anything so I could get their reactions too😏 I quickly set up the camera on the shelf an old ps4 and some plants, then I heard Dereks car pull up in the drive way and seconds later Derek come through the door.

Eveyone: wspp

Derek: yeah hi

He rushed passed them and went to me

y/n: hey friend😀

(a/n oh damn I'm mean)

Mike: what did she just say?

Kobe: Friend?

Vallyk: who in the what?

Nova: what is going on?



Derek: it's just a prank y/n

y/n: oh yeah I know, anywayss imma find me a snack

I was walking towards the door when Derek stopped me

y/n: something wrong?

Derek: you said the you were getting a snack

y/n: I am

Derek: then why you going out

y/n: ohhh well im getting a snack as in a manz 

Derek: bruh what why? you have me

(a/n no tf I don't bish😐)

y/n: you know what derek lets talk

Derek: but isn-

y/n: istg if you say "iSn'T ThAt wHat wE'rE DoiNgGgGg" imma beat yo ass

Derek: ....ight

y/n: Derek im sorry but...

To Be Continued

Sorry for the short chapter y'all, im just listening to some brent and giveon rn so I think y'all can understand

675 words

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