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there was a big explosion above Derek and y/n *blah*blah*blah*


Your POV

A big boom, rung in my ears and I looked up to see...fireworks (a/n im sorry they was just fireworks, nobody dead) red, blue, gold and white fireworks dance in the night sky, popping up like popcorn.

y/n: I have to say, this is the best night of my life

Derek: Oh but it will only get better😏

y/n: ew😐

Derek and I burst out laughing and 3 minutes later of us dying we finally descended the hill and drove back home. Derek and I were both silent during the car ride home, but it wasn't awkward silence. I held Derek's hand as he drove, and looked out the window smiling at remembering everything that happened tonight, but I swear to god, if this child loses his memory again, imma kill him. We finally pulled up into the driveway of the house and Derek got out and ran to my side to open my door.

y/n: thank you

Derek: of course

I smiled, got out and held his hand as we walked to the door. He got out the house key and unlocked the door, and when he opened it wide, all of our friends were standing there holding their breath.

Derek: I gotta girlfriend!!!

y/n: and I gotta boyfriend!!!

Everyone started cheering and congratulating us  

y/n: thank you everyone...but now its truth or dare time😈

Everyone sat in a circle on chairs and we started with Mike

Mike: uh, ok y/n truth or dare?

y/n: dare, mama ain't raise no pussy 

Mike: I dare you to...tease Derek for the rest of the game

Asia: ya nasty

Mike: hehe

I agreed and got up and sat on Derek and wrapped my legs around him.  I started to move around to get comfortable, and started to nibble on his ear (a/n hell naw thats weird, she finna eat his ear not nibble tf) 

Derek: stop doing that

Derek whispered in my ear

y/n: but this is not comfy

Derek: too bad

I stood up and sat back down so that my back was facing him, I purposely dropped my hair pin so that I could pick it up, so Derek would look at my ass. I was gonna really tease him. I bent down and picked up the pin and looked back at Derek staring at my ass. His eyes were wide and is jaw dropped.

y/n: are you okay?

Derek: huh, oh yeah im good

I smirked and sat back down

y/n: ok uhhh, kobe, truth or dare?

Kobe: now im scared bruh, but um dare

y/n: I dare you to wear one of Celestes tight mini dresses with heels

Kobe runs upstairs picks out a dress and heels and comes back down looking like this

(a/n sorry i didnt take my time on this, but anyways this ain't kobe this is kobreena)

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(a/n sorry i didnt take my time on this, but anyways this ain't kobe this is kobreena)

Celeste: What the actually hell, lmfaqoqoq 

Vallyk: yeoooo

Mike: period bitch

Asia: oop baddie right here

Nova: fr this manz is a bad bitch since now and forever

y/n: period😭

Derek held my hips and then wrapped them around my stomach, I looked back at him and gave him a quick peck.

Kobe: ok umm, Mike truth or dare?

Mike: Truth

Kobe: Is it true that you like Derek sucking your toes?

Mike: I- yea...

Vallyk: I KNEW IT...

everyone: 😐

Vallyk: i knew it

To Be Continued

sorry for the short chapter im tired but i'll make the next one longer

653 words

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