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Im finna use y/n now so no more Destiny


Derek took y/n to the spot *blah* blah *blah*


Your POV


Derek: 😑 yes?

y/n: you're cute

Derek: yeah, I know

y/n: stfu bitch.....anywayss....anywaysss...ANYWAYS I SAID

Derek: Mmcht, cmon have a seat

y/n: ok kind sir

I sat down on one side of the tabe and Derek sat on the other side, a waiter came about 2 minutes later with a menu and some water. I opened the menu and took a glance at the food but then I reached the pasta section and immediately closed the menu. Derek looked up at me and said...

Derek: You want chicken alfredo don't you?

y/n: yeah, but how'd you know?

Derek: Well since im madly in love with you I should at least know your likes and dislikes, I mean it's only natural

y/n: well then I guess you're ordering your Mac n Cheese

Derek: yessirrr

y/n: damn you really love Mac n Cheese don't you

Derek nodded and smiled, I saw him press a button on a small remote that was laying on the table, and a minute later the same water came again, wrote down our orders and took our menus.

Derek: So what do you think of this?

y/n: not bad trendz, not bad at all

Derek: Im glad you like it, anyw-

Derek was interrupted by 3 waiter coming to our table and handing us our food and appetizers.

y/n: 😮 my baby

I said in awe as I stared at my pasta, I started eating all of it and while I was in the middle of chewing Derek spoke.

Derek: Thank you, Destiny

I looked up, sauce was on the corner of my mouth and I wore a confused look.

y/n: huh?

Derek laughed a bit and then continued

Derek: Thank you for allowing me to remember our past

y/n: oh yeah no pr-...WAIT WHAT!

I was shocked, did he just say he remembered (a/n yes bitch he did...deaf much?) 

Derek smiled again and said

Derek: yeah I remembered what happened between us a while ago, it was the day before we started talking

I swallowed my food, wiped the corners of my mouth and spoke

y/n: Derek fuggin Trendz why did you do that? I thought you were never going to remember you bitch I was so sad.

I crossed my arms pouting

Derek: Im sorry, but it was fun making new memories too right?

y/n: yeah, whatever

Derek: *laughing* finish up, I have a surprise later

y/n: I better not die Derek

Derek: you wont...I think

y/n: what's that supposed to mean?

Derek: proceed eating

(a/n this bitch said proceed...no babes, this aint finna work, I ain't dating no GPS, no stop light body ass bitch tf)

I finished eating and Derek pressed the button on the remote once again and the waiters came to take our dishes. Derek then stood up and walked to my side of the table where I sat, he stuck out his ar in my direction signaling me to hold it so I could get up.

y/n: bitch I know how to get up, I can walk on my own two feet, tf you sticking out yo hand for

Derek: Well ion know maybe we could walk to the surprise holding hands but I guess you dont want to so let's walk separately

y/n: no bitch Im scared, what if a dinosaur looking rat kidnaps me huh?

I grabbed his hand and let our fingers interlock, I looked at Derek and he looked at me back. We were staring into each others eyes and while I was staring I could see myself so happy then I said

y/n: bitch the fuck you staring at damn, like you said we was finna go to some surprise now you just standing there looking at me. Tf is we finna go or not.

Derek: you was staring too

y/n: you wish, now lets go

Derek lead me through a hallway of bushes that lead to a big ass hill

y/n: you wanted to show me a hill?

Derek: Just wait

I sighed and we walked up the hill, and when we reach the top the city lights covered the landscape.

I sighed and we walked up the hill, and when we reach the top the city lights covered the landscape

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(a/n yes babes, its a big as hill to bad)

I gasped and looked at Derek, then I looked down to see that we were so high up...

y/n: oh hell naw, my legs are feeling wobbly

Derek: but i didnt even fuck you yet

y/n: stfu

Derek's POV

I know y/n doesn't really like heights but what im gonna do next will take her mind off it

Derek: y/n

y/n: y-yeah

She was still looking down scared of falling, so I lifted up her chin with my hand and looked her in the eyes

Derek: y/n, I love you so much and I want you to know that, so will you be mine?

y/n: Derek...

I was scared, the way she said my name was scarier was she going to reject me

y/n: yes Derek, I would love to be yours again

I smiled and picked her up hugging her so tight, she brought her face close to mine and we both leaned in, sharing a passionate and warm kiss.

Derek's thoughts

💭this girl is finally mine🥺💭

End of Dereks thoughts

Derek: I love you y/n, I love you so much

y/n: I love you to Derek, I will forever

A big explosion took place above their head, both of them fell, but...

To Be Continued

Sorry babes, cliffhangers will be coming for almost every chapter⚰️

959 words

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