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Derek's POV

Derek: I wanna talk to you about something

y/n: yeah what did you wanna talk about

Derek: my feelings to you

y/n: okayyy?

Derek: im sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but I kinda like you, you just make a guy feel a type of way ya know. And I-

She interrupted me with a short but passionate kiss, then she pulled away I didn't want her to stop.

y/n: I feel the same way Derek, every since I saw you.

I pulled her in for a longer kiss, her lips were soft. She slid her hands up my chest and around my neck. I let my handz drop to hold her waist an-

Mike: Hey y'all do yo- ouuuuuuuu

Destiny and I quickly let go and started to pretend nothing happened.

Mike: nevermind

Destiny gligged and it was so cute, she's making me act up deadass. (a/n eughhh we giggled bruh i have the weirdest laugh)

Destiny: Derek?

Derek: yes ma?

Destiny: come sleep with me

Derek: uh-ok yeah

Bruh my heart is beating so fast.

She got in the bed and I got in after her, I laid down starting at the back f her head but the she turned to face me and said.

y/n: I want you forever

Derek: and forever I will have you ma

She closed her eyes and dug her head into my chest, I slid my hand to her back to hold her so she feels safe. I gently kissed her forehead and wished her a goodnight.

Next Day

Your POV

I woke up to my body still in Derek's arms, damn even when he's sleeping he's so cute. I tried to wiggle out of bed but he wouldn't let me go.

Derek: Stay here ma

y/n: Im gonna go cook tho

Derek: gimme kiss then 


Derek: 🥺 please ma

y/n: okay okay just one

I gave him a quick peck but he pulled me back down

Derek:that's no kiss ma

Then I gave him ANOTHER one that last a solid 5 seconds

Derek: thank you mamas

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