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"Because Jimin isn't himself since this here happened, he's constantly sad and depressed, he's not healing well

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"Because Jimin isn't himself since this here happened, he's constantly sad and depressed, he's not healing well. I need him happy again," Jungkook's voice was shaky.

Jin's stare was piercing through him so he focused all his attention on the flowers.

"Ok, I will send my people today to bring him here as quickly as possible."

Jungkook looked up shocked that it has worked so easily.


"You know there's a legend way older than you boy, telling about a demon taking a whole kingdom, ruling through fear, tyranny and violence. No matter how powerful not people, nor any other kind can ever destroy or harm him until one day the sky will rain crystal snow. On that day the demon will fall, the crown will be free to take by the rightful king..."

"If you want to flex some fairy tales tell them to the village kids," Jungkook rose up from the wooden stool. "I'm expecting the ritual to be performed anytime soon, I'm leaving for battle and taking my hus... I mean my hybrid with me," he stormed outside once again feeling cold sweat rolling down his spine.

What was just wrong with his mind lately, way wronger with his heart that skipped a bit at the sight of Jimin who seemed frozen while walking between the tents.

"Jimin!" Jungkook raised his voice so Jimin looked his way, his eyes lighting up happily.

"Jungkook! I was looking for you," Jimin quickened his steps so Jungkook opened his arms wrapping them around the fox-boy, inhaling the beautiful scent of his hair, caressing his hands along the magnificent tail.

"I've missed you like crazy," whispered Jungkook before he could bite his tongue.

"I missed you more," Jimin's green eyes were like a galaxy he could drown in, damn was he in love, head over heels and further?

Why was he thinking about so many strange things lately, defeating Namjoon, claiming his throne, marrying Jimin.

"Jungkook are you ok?" Jimin chuckled shyly.

"Yes, yes," Jungkook felt heat storming to his face.

Those were just fairly tales, like Jin's story about the crystal snow while he was here enjoying the last beautiful moment before the last battle, the world's end, Namjoon killing all hybrids and everyone who has ever been good. Yes this was reality, him slowly preparing for certain death, yet he was so alive, the most alive he has ever been, willing to carry on, to protect everything he loved, to freaking grow old with that wonderful boy here and make him his king, the first ever hybrid married to a royalty.

"Jungkook are you here?" Jimin was watching him questioningly.

"Yes, let's go to our tent and make love," Jungkook pulled Jimin behind himself.

"You're acting weird today," Jimin's pure laugh was addicting.

"I'm just... I have asked Jin to give that filthy ex friend of yours the ritual," said Jungkook pulling Jimin into the tent on their bed, on the mattress all over himself.

"What?" Jimin's eyes widened in shock. "You mean Taehyung?"

"Yes," Jungkook shrugged.

"What did he say?"

"He agreed to give that guy the initiation."

Jimin's squeal was loud when he jumped on Jungkook hugging him tightly.

"You are the best, best best... best ever," Jimin was kissing all over his face so Jungkook leaned back enjoying, he knew tonight Jimin will give him some special treatment for his idea and he damn couldn't wait.

"From today on you are joining the Secret Circle of magicians. I'm declaring you Kim Taehyung the 104278th holder of power, use your knowledge wisely," shaman Jin lowered the circle of green light that has been floating in between his fingers onto Taehyung's head. It fell to his neck staying there for long moments before changing into a silver necklace with an emerald stone.

Jimin's heart began to beat so loudly especially when Taehyung's dark guilt filled eyes met his, and he wished to run away but Jungkook's arm around his wast tightened.

"Magician Kim Taehyung, get up, you are now a member of the Secret Circle, you are bound to help humans and all creatures housing in our land, to heal and serve, to teach and give your knowledge to the next generation of magicians. Farewell," Jin tapped Taehyung's shoulder in a firm way when the crowd of villagers broke out with applause.

"Is he a real magician, can he do real tricks," a little girl called Yuyu pulled Jimin by his tail catching his attention.

"I don't think tricks are his specialty," muttered Jimin caressing over her hair.

The village kids had a special place in his heart as they were always nice, treating him like an equal, not just a hybrid.

"Why can't he do tricks?" Asked Yuyu.

"Because he's dumb," muttered Jungkook sarcastically when Jimin burst out into laughter, Jungkook really had a gift to always cheer him up no matter the circumstances, so Jimin cuddled to his man filling a serenity filling his heart.

Taehyung was collecting his belongings ready to leave the village as quickly as possible but the elders stopped him inviting him for the prepared feast.

"Kookie, Jimin you're my honorary guests," Jin came to them winking.

Jimin sighed, he wished to hide in his tent in Jungkook's arms, be all alone far from the judging states they were getting constantly. Only this morning he has overheard the village woman discussing if "the handsome warrior isn't afraid to catch some animal spread disease or at least "crazy worms" that were rumored to especially like residing in the foxes' anus." All of those little things were adding up to Jimin's insecurities. What if Jungkook would think like that one day, what if he will start to call him names, use physical violence and finally abandon him like Taehyung had done.

"Jimin, why are you so troubled?" Jungkook kissed his cheek pulling him into a close hug.

"I'm fine," lied Jimin faking a smile. "Come, let's celebrate Taehyung's initiation," he took Jungkook's hand pulling him through the crowd trying to surpass the bitter thoughts.

As long as Jungkook was looking at him with such gentle affection and treating him with kisses, insane pleasure above the stars and a constant place in his strong protective arms the whole world could be against them and it didn't mean a thing.

They were walking along the main alley towards the square were long tables were overfilled with food and where some teenagers were playing happy songs on self made instruments when someone crossed their path and Jimin looked up to meet Taehyung's eyes.

"Jimin can we talk?" Asked Taehyung quietly.

"Jimin can we talk?" Asked Taehyung quietly

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Thank you a lot for all you love. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jin giving Taehyung the ritual? What does Tae want to tell Jimin?

Much <3

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