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Jimin chuckled diving into the water to refresh his completely fulfilled body

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Jimin chuckled diving into the water to refresh his completely fulfilled body. There was something glowing in his insides, it reminded him of the moments when his mother had been singing a song to herself from time to time, her gaze all nostalgic, her eyes glittering to some memories, yet she has never answered his questions about her past or his father.

'You only love once. Love can change everything, it's the most beautiful what can happen to you, but also the most dangerous,' she used to tell.

Had her and his father been looking at each other that way, as him and Jungkook had been just minutes ago, or had she been called names and threatened with daggers, like the hybrids general Hoseok has been hooking up with, wondered Jimin leaving the lake.

"Are you ok?" Jungkook wrapped his cloak against him protectively.

"Yes, the best ever," Jimin smiled caressing over Jungkook's cheek.

"I'm freaking happy you haven't listened to my orders," Jungkook kissed his cheek and lips.

Jimin was stunned by how they are still longing for each other.

"Let's go back and get some rest in each other's arms," Jungkook's whisper was raspy.

Jimin nodded.

"I'm sorry you couldn't meditate because of me."

"Who would meditate if he can have you," Jungkook took his palm intertwining their fingers, pulling him forward up the beach.

I will never forget this place thought Jimin tossing one last glance at the beautiful lakes.

Him and Jungkook were walking slowly enjoying the closeness, them holding hands. The path leading was down towards the trees, further from the warmth of the lakes so Jimin trembled, especially when his bare feet touched the snow.

"Jump up," Jungkook leaned forward so Jimin sprang on his back wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck.

He was carried through the wall of green into to the winter forest, his sense still playing crazy, so he cuddled his face into Jungkook's wet hair inhaling his scent.

"Have you found out anything about king Yoongi's army?" Asked Jimin.

Jungkook shook his head.

"It makes no sense for them to go the the second city, they will only use supplies they need for the way to the capital."

"So maybe they haven't gone there at all," muttered Jimin yawning a bit, some tiredness overtaking him, especially as Jungkook's body warmth screamed like a safe place, but Jungkook suddenly stopped.

"What?" Asked Jimin.

"You're right, they haven't moved away, they are still here waiting to attack our camp in the middle of the night. I need to alarm Hoseok!" Jungkook suddenly began to run.

"Jungkook, I will change it will be easier," said Jimin.

"Ok, but don't stay behind." Jungkook put him down their eyes meeting again, Jimin blushed but Jungkook pecked his lips quickly before sprinting forward.

Jimin changed taking Jungkook's cloak in between his teeth trying to pull it over the snow, but Jungkook sprinted back lifting the cloak and him running back to the camp, when an uproar broke out and some screams sounded. Jungkook was running towards the camp that was in an uproar now. The guards at the gate were shouting to him to hurry up as they were about to close it. Jimin's whole body was trembling in Jungkook's hands.

"What happened!" Yelled Jungkook reaching the guards.

"The enemy attacked. We need all soldiers to defend the southern gate!"

Jungkook nodded sprinting between the tents finding his way to his own, opening it swiftly placing Jimin on the bed when Jimin shifted quickly.

"Get dressed and stay safe ok." Jungkook took something from behind his belt pressing it into Jimin's trembling hand.

"Wha..." Jimin's eyes widened at the sight of a dagger decorated with jewels composing into the image of the flower that has been the symbol of Queen Jeon.

"Just in case," whispered Jungkook kissing Jimin's forehead. "If anything will happen trace your fingers over the jewels for a few times, then keep it close to you."

"But you will come back," stuttered Jimin.

"I will come back, I promise," Jungkook caressed over his face looking at him with so much affection Jimin could melt then his beautiful man turned running out of the tent.

Jimin heard him speaking to the coilbri girl.

"Take care of Mochi, if necessary defend him at all costs, that's an order!"

Jimin's stomach twisted, he was sitting on the bed still unable to believe in all that has happened, his body so super heavy and exhausted, he needed to use all his strength to find Jungkook's clothes then put them on, his eyelids falling by themselves so he fell on the bed putting the dagger underneath the pillow, thinking about Jungkook, their beautiful moments in the lake, reality somehow off, the room began to swim in front of his eyes, so he closed them drifting off into some strange darkness.

Jimin's stomach twisted, he was sitting on the bed still unable to believe in all that has happened, his body so super heavy and exhausted, he needed to use all his strength to find Jungkook's clothes then put them on, his eyelids falling by thems...

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Thank you so much for your beautiful feedback. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jikook coming back to a battlefield? Will they both be safe?

Much <3

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