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When a hybrid abandons a king the whole world falls into pieces, thought Jimin running through a winter forest

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When a hybrid abandons a king the whole world falls into pieces, thought Jimin running through a winter forest.

How could Jungkook lie? Just not mention, that he was who, the king, the lost prince, the son of king Jeon, the boy his mother made magical toys for. Jimin has always thought this is just some kink Jungkook enjoys whenever they're making love, calling him 'King Jeon.' Never ever would have Jimin expected it's so much more, that Jungkook hides his tattoos because they are the symbol of his royalty. How could he lie? How could his mum lie? Was he really so unworthy to be told the truth? Just a hybrid, right? A bed toy of the prince.

Jimin stopped running feeling his fox lungs burning, his heart aching. There was ice frozen to his fur and he was totally lost in some unpleasant darkness. It was so icy, like during the night when Taehyung had abandoned him, when Jungkook has found him. Jungkook's posture kneeling on the snow to stretch his hand out towards him retuned from him memory. It could kill him with pain as he missed Jungkook with all his being, yet felt so betrayed, so mad, so disappointed and heartbroken.

How has Jungkook pictured it, just not telling him who he really was, hiding everything, his whole roots, his past when Jimin has always been completely honest with him.

He never loved me, it was all a beautiful dream I wished to be real so badly that I had fouled myself into it, thought Jimin speeding up as it was so cold. He will definitely freeze to death here. Would Jungkook care? Definitely not, the almighty king who could have whoever he wanted. Jimin's insides responded with sharp pain at that perspective.

He was exhausted, frozen, lost, hungry, at the edge feeling his paws loosing strength with each step.

"At least I have lived that dream till the end, almost," he whispered in his head tripping into the snow falling into that icy surface, lifting his head to see a distant light flickering between the trees so he collected the rests of his strength walking that way. The light was becoming bigger and bigger, warm orange of flames, that tonight reminded him of the burning stack that has taken his father's body.

A tear rolled down his eyes freezing to the fur. The crackling fire nearing when he caught the scent of two rabbits.

"Mum! Mum! A fox!" Yelled a girl so Jimin shifted hiding behind a tree sticking his head out.

"Hi, I'm a hybrid like you, no worries," he said seeing a rabbit woman with a little daughter at the fire. The woman was holding a knife, her face tense.

"Rabbits are foxes' favorite snack," said the girl.

"I only like golden berries," muttered Jimin blushing hard.

The woman lowered the knife.

"I just need a place to stay till the morning," begged Jimin.

"Ok, you can stay. I don't have much to share. I still have my son's clothes though, so they might fit," the woman rumbled through her bag then walked to the tree tossing the clothes behind it for Jimin to catch.

Jimin dressed up quickly, as the cold was unbearable then walked out towards the fire to warm his frozen hands up.

"Here, a blanket and some bread," the woman gave it to him so Jimin thanked wrapping himself up in the fabric shivering madly.

He began to chew on the bread seeing the little girl watching him with great interest. She had big blue eyes and cute fluffy orange-brown ears.

"Are you also on the run?" Asked the woman.

"You can say that," muttered Jimin.

"I have a friend, an eagle hybrid, he has been working with my son," the woman's face clouded. "Today he has brought the news from the capital that tomorrow the demon king will give out an order to kill every hybrid in the land, so we decided to survive as long as possible," she caressed the daughter's ears.

"Where's your son?" Asked Jimin.

"A human sorcerer took him for a night, she tortured him so horribly he died the next day, my son has been barely your age," she sniffed. "Humans are so filthy, they're worse than demons. At last demons don't want our bodies."

The little girl was looking from her mother to Jimin with scared eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear," whispered Jimin lowering his head almost feeling Jungkook's kisses all over his body.

His human has kissed him to sleep, wrapped him up in his cloak so he will stay warm, took the royal Flyer to Jin's village to prevent him from dying, defeated two armies just to keep him safe, always called him family, stayed no matter how crazy the world around them was becoming, has promised to stay with him as long as his heart is beating.

A tear rolled down Jimin's face so he washed it off quickly.

"What happened to you?" Asked the rabbit woman.

"I don't know," Jimin shook his head.

His human has lied to him, never trusted him enough to say he's so much more than just an orphaned boy, that he is a king, a real king.

"Being a hybrid sucks," whispered Jimin looking at the embers.

"You're telling me," the woman sighed. "Has a human taken your innocence by force?"

Her question was hanging in the air.

"No, he didn't. He would have never misuse or mistreat me," Jimin's heart began to beat so loudly. "In fact he has always made love to me in the most beautiful way. He just hasn't been honest with me from the start."

"A human?" Asked the woman buffed.

"Yes a human," Jimin sighed.

"That's not possib..." the woman stopped talking as a shape fell from the sky shifting from an eagle into a human while landing.

"Odi! Hali! You will not believe me in what has happened!" Shouted the huge man with a long black beard who has appeared in front of them. "The prince is back. Prince Jungkook is alive!"

"What?" The mother and daughter jumped up squealing happily. "Are you sure?"

"Sure, has seen him with my own eyes."

"Boy listen to the news," the woman turned his way when the eagle-man yelled falling on the snow bowing low.

"What?" Asked the woman.

"Bow! Bow down! He is the husband of the king!" The man pulled her and her daughter down when heat stormed to Jimin's face.

"Bow! Bow down! He is the husband of the king!" The man pulled her and her daughter down when heat stormed to Jimin's face

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Thank you so much for your support. What do you think about the chapter and Jimin finding some shelter with the hybrids? What will he do now?

Much <3

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