Author's note

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Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for all the amazing support you have given this story, I can not express how thankful I am. It was such an amazing journey to share with you.
Thank you for each read, each vote, each lovely comment, you really are my motivation and strength, you keep me writing.
What are your thoughts now when the story has ended, what did you enjoy the most. Who was your favorite and least favorite character? Did you have an favorite scene of chapter?
I personally enjoyed writing about coward Tae and of course about Jikook. It was so difficult to end this story as I grew so attached to the characters, especially fox Jimin, but your feedback has been so amazing that I decided to continue the story of the little fox hybrid and his prince, so you can expect a sequel soon.
I will give more information about upcoming books in the next chapter and let you know once the sequel is ready to be posted.
Once again I would like to thank you from all my heart and I hope we will meet each other again in another book.

With love
Little Lion

Crystal Snow (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now