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"I'm so sorry, I thought I would run," Jimin sat on Jungkook's bed a few moments later

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"I'm so sorry, I thought I would run," Jimin sat on Jungkook's bed a few moments later.

Jungkook slammed the door shut locking it in.

"Why did you want to run? Didn't you enjoy what we have done?"

Jimin shivered, of course he enjoyed. He enjoyed it so much he was afraid of himself.

"It's not that, it's just... my mum has always told me that humans treat hybrids like bed toys, they're using their bodies and later doing horrible things to them," Jimin was speaking to his shoes, or rather Jungkook's shoes.

"Have I ever hurt you or mistreated you, have I ever made love to you against your will?" Jungkook stopped above him his face all serious, even disappointed.

Jimin shook his head, how stupid was he when each part of him wished nothing more than to be so close with Jungkook again, to have him fully.

"By the way my ass has stopped to hurt," he muttered grasping with delay how irrelevant it sounded.

"I will not misuse a hybrid sexually, " muttered Jungkook turning abruptly walking to the door to unlock it then slam it shut when Jimin was sitting there stunned feelings cold tears leaving his eyes.

Has Jungkook been serious, it couldn't be, as he definitely won't stand living without his kisses and touch.

"I've really fucked up big time," whispered Jimin to the total silence of the room.

The door opened and his heartbeat sped up, but it wasn't Jungkook, just the colibri girl coming in carrying a lot of luggage.

"Is it the wrong room?" She asked in shock.

"No, it's... I'm Kookie's friend, staying here," Jimin remembered that Jungkook was calling himself with that nickname in front of others, even his general.

"I'm the almighty warrior's maiden, came to bring his luggage," the girl apologized pulling the luggage inside with effort.

Jimin was sitting on the bed unsure what to do.

"Are you a hybrid?" He asked when she trembled.

"I am," her eyes carried pure fear when she turned to him. "But my owner has promised me he won't touch me that way and... I'm begging you noble gentleman please don't force me into sex, my body isn't attractive."

Jimin's jaw fell, his hands closed into fists.

"Have humans... I mean have we misused you so badly."

"You know exactly we are just things to get physical pleasure with for your kind, now we became animals to hunt down, though," she was speaking with a trembling tone.

Jimin bit his lip regretting that he has started the conversation.

"Colibri girl, what has general Hoseok done to you?"

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