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"I am gifted," muttered Jungkook pressing the dagger deeper into her when her smile faded, her whole body changed into ribbons of darkness, dripping brown blood over the alley

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"I am gifted," muttered Jungkook pressing the dagger deeper into her when her smile faded, her whole body changed into ribbons of darkness, dripping brown blood over the alley.

Suddenly something hit Jungkook painfully knocking him into the ground. There was a roar of the bear returning and he hadn't noticed. The dagger fell out of his hand when he bear jumped at him, sharp teeth were trying to get to his throat. Jungkook fighting when the knife-like claws cut his cheek and shoulder painfully, the bear's strength was insane, but he was suddenly feeling the power building up underneath his hands to defend him.

Not here, not now, he couldn't use the gift or it will uncover him and he will never see Jimin again. The bear was tearing on him, the teeth so close to his face he almost screamed when an inhuman roar shook the labyrinth. The bear stopped his mad attack looking up when Jungkook turned his head to see captain Fang in his impressive tiger form storming down the alley to ring into the bear. The impact brought the bears body to the wall. Both colliding with huge noise so Jungkook crawled forward to reach the dagger then moved towards the wall ignoring the slicing pain. There he was sitting watching the two fighting with their claws and fangs, his heart beating loudly, his body in extreme pain, the blood staining his torn shirt and suit, but he believed he wasn't seriously injured. For now he could do nothing, though, just watch captain Fang closing his snout on the bears neck until he heard a crack. The bears body banged against the ground to never move up again, some tears left Jungkook's eyes burning against the wound on his cheek. That was what Namjoon's ruling had led to, to a hybrid killing a hybrid.

It was freaking two am and Jungkook wasn't back, Jimin must have bitten up all nails by now from worry, each sound raising his heart in alarm so he was doing rounds along the chamber to not to go insane from fear.

The door cracked causing him to jump up from the bed he had been sitting at wearing Jungkook's red night robe and a cap to cover his ears just in case. The door was pushed and he saw the tiger hybrid who has been some high commander of the army in his human form supporting Jungkook on his body while bringing him inside.

Jungkook looked bad - face scratched, wounded and bleeding, clothes torn as if he had been fighting with some wild animal.

"What happened!" Jimin grabbed the bed frame to not to faint.

"The boy killed a demon but has gotten into the fangs of a bear hybrid. I have saved his ass," the tiger man helped Jungkook onto the bed. "I bet you can help to cure his wounds, use all your knowledge we need Kookie in one peace," the man smiled faintly before leaving the room when Jungkook was sitting on the bad panting madly some of his blood staining the sheets.

"You're bleeding!" Jimin ran to him taking his hands into his palms.

"Just kiss me and it will be ok again," whispered Jungkook.

"You're such an idiot," sighed Jimin.

"You're an even bigger one," Jungkook looked him in the eyes when Jimin fell on him in a hug. "Auch, au!" Jungkook began to groan so Jimin was apologizing moving from him.

"How can I help you?" He begged.

"You're apparently a shaman's apprentice," Jungkook even chuckled.

"That is not the time for lame jokes!"

"You sound like a worried wife," Jungkook raised his brow.

"Or flirting," complained Jimin, really Jungkook was something.

"Just help me to get out of those clothes and see how big the wounds are," muttered Jungkook trying to untie his shirt.

Jimin was shivering madly and blushing terribly while helping to remove Jungkook's jacket and shirt, his heart aching at the sight of the deep wound on Jungkook's shoulder and his beautiful body being all bruised and scratched.

"This needs to stop bleeding," Jimin was running around the room trying to find something Jungkook's wound could be covered with. "Jungkook is there anyone here who could help you."

"You," Jungkook's eyes were serious.

"What about that tiger man who has brought you here?"

"You are the only person in the entire capital who can help me," Jungkook's tone was so deadly serious Jimin could break out into pieces.

"What do you need and where are the supplies, I can get them for you."

Jungkook hesitated for a second.

"If Namjoon hadn't destroyed it there is a chamber with everything necessary."

"So let's go," Jimin ran to him.

"Jimin the shape of your tail is visible in that robe, besides we can not just break in there."

"I will go as a fox, I've noticed that most of the rooms are connected by shafts I can fit into."

"No, you will not risk your life like that, I'm forbidding you," Jungkook took his hand caressing it.

He was in great pain holding it in bravely and Jimin really admired Jungkook even more.

"Jungkook, you would do the exact same thing for me," Jimin was watching him seriously.

Jungkook lowered his head, but nodded.

"Tell me where to go and what to bring."

Instead of answering Jungkook suddenly pulled him closer connecting their lips, licking over his tongue deeply with all will, longing and despair.

"But you have to promise me you will come back safely," whispered Jungkook pulling back.

"Of course I will, I want to feel that again," Jimin connected their lips back. "I would do anything to feel that again."

"I'm keeping your word."

Thank you so much for your lovely feedback

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Thank you so much for your lovely feedback. I was so surprised and happy to see this book being #3 in Jikook, thank you so much 💕

Because you are so amazing I decided to post a bonus chapter. So what do you think about captain Fang rescuing Jungkook's life and Jimin's dangerous idea? Will he successfully find the supplies and come back safely?

Much <3

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