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"I have never been Namjoon's servant and never will be

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"I have never been Namjoon's servant and never will be. Besides, Namjoon's time will come soon right after yours," Jungkook was now surrounded tightly by the pack that was closing in, the leader stopped in the perfect attack distance to him.

"We will tear you apart first and than kill everything living in this land like we have wanted to do ages ago," the leader wolf opened his snout. "Kill him!" He shouted when Jungkook lifted his hand with the sword and the emblem of his family, the sleeve of the shirt he was wearing underneath the armory slipped down his arm uncovering the tattoos.

The wolves stopped, a rumor filled the pack when the leader moved two steps back.

"You have broken the pact you have made with my family and invited my land!" Jungkook raised his voice looking into hundreds of red eyes which were watching each of his moves. "That means you will be burned down now."

Some rumor and extreme howling broke out when wolves far on the mountain's slope caught on fire.

The leader began to give out squealing sounds, like a hurt dog.

"But..." Jungkook was watching the circle of fire slowly running down. "I can spare you if you join the battle at my side and help me to claim back what's mine."

The leader wolf looked up to see his now running and glowing in flames pack, then his gaze fell back at Jungkook, he suddenly lowered his head in a bowing like manner.

"King Jeon we're your loyal servants in this war."

Jungkook felt some heaviness lifting off his heat.

"So I declare a new pact between the wolves of the underworld and the Jeon family. Since now we're alliances," he spoke seeing the fires fading. "Set off now, I need to finish this battle, but when the time comes and I will go to the capital join forces with my army, but move through the land like shadows, no one can see you and Namjoon needs to find out the last whom you're serving. Until I return to my parents' palace I'm still officially dead," Jungkook looked around and the leader nodded.

The insane herd changed direction sprinted into the opposite way to the camp becoming just darkness of the ashes and the night when Jungkook was standing there watching them disappearing feeling some new strength and hope filling his heart. What has he just done? His gaze fell on the tattoos on his arm and he caressed over them remembering his parents.

"Did they just run?"

Jungkook covered his hand with the shirt and reached for the gloves quickly turning around to see a totally pale and out of breath commissioner.

"It wasn't their battle," said Jungkook.

"Um... I was sent to you gifted boy. The Mehuan has attacked the camp, something terrible has happened," muttered the man when all blood froze in Jungkook's body.

"Jimin," he whispered sprinting up the battlefield as quickly as he could.

There was a golden monster falling from the sky straight at Jimin who froze in shock watching it lifting a burning sword pointing it down at him, but a sudden force pushed him on the ground he hit painfully. Something insanely hot missed him for inches when he turned to see it has been general Hoseok who had pushed him aside and dug his sword deeply into the golden creature, but the burning sword went through his stomach when Jimin screamed.

"You will not touch Emerald's son," hissed Hoseok pushing his sword even deeper into the creature that seemed unharmed.

"The wolves are burning down like in the legend!" Shouted someone when the golden monster took its sword out of Hoseok's body flying up into the ashes filled sky disappearing like a becoming smaller and smaller light.

"General," shouted Jimin falling to Hoseok to catch him when the man crushed to the ground. "General."

Jimin felt huge tears leaving his eyes when the soldiers took Hoseok out of his hands carrying him into the camp. Jimin rushed behind them unable to believe what has just happened. No, the big brave general couldn't just die sacrificing his life for him. Why? He hated hybrids.

Jimin was trembling from that inner cold that has only became more significant while stopping in front of Hoseok's tent wrapping the cloak deeper over his body inhaling Jungkook's scent it carried as it was the only remedy to bare this hardship.

"Hybrid boy, the general wants to see you," an elder soldier walked out of the tent looking at him.

"See me?" Asked Jimin buffed.

"Like right now, he will leave soon."

Jimin bit his lower lip slipping into the tent to see all the high ranked officials and officers leaving so it was only him and Hoseok left.
Hoseok's pain filled face became calmer when his eyes fell on him, he give Jimin a sign to move closer so Jimin stopped at his bed unsure why he's here.

"General," he whispered.

"Mochi," Hoseok stretched his hand out tangling it around his palm.

"It's Jimin. My real name is Jimin."

"Crystal Snow," Hoseok was watching his face stunned. "Of course it's so her to give you such a name," a faint smile lit up the man's face.

"General have you... have you known my mum?" Asked Jimin.

Thank you so much for your lovely feedback

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Thank you so much for your lovely feedback. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think about Jungkook stopping the wolves and revealing his identity for the first time? What about Hoseok saving Jimin's life? What will he tell Jimin?

Much <3

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