Abandoned by the owner a hybrid can only live for 48 hours. During the coldest night in a century Jimin was left for certain death in a winter forest, without hope for survival until Jungkook found him.
In this merciless world where hybrids are jus...
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"I thought I have known my mum, turns out she was a complete stranger," Jimin began to speak quietly.
"What do you mean?" Asked Jungkook stunned.
"Am I so unworthy? Tell me Jungkook am I unworthy to know the truth?" Jimin's eyes filled with despair when Jungkook's heart began to pound rapidly, a cold shiver ran down his body.
"You are worthy... Jimin, I..."
"Listen! Do you understand how it hurts to know you have been lied to by your own mother for your whole life. What would have it hurt her to tell me that she has been the royal maiden, the nanny of the prince, the queen's friend, a magician. That she had a husband, she loved. Who loved her. That I have been made out of their love. Instead she allowed me to believe, all my life, that I'm some product of a human raping her, some unwanted guest in this stupid world," big tears began to roll down Jimin's face.
It was breaking Jungkook's heart but also raising the guilty feeling inside him.
"Maybe she had reasons..."
"What reasons! What harm could it have brought for me to know? She never loved me right? Never loved me enough to even trust me."
"No, that's not true," Jungkook caressed Jimin's tears wet cheek.
"If I had known earlier, I would have had some time with my father. Time to actually meet him, talk to him maybe even get to know him, but it is all lost now."
Jimin's jaw was trembling more, the tears still storming down his face, his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles became white and Jungkook hated to see him like that.
"Jimin please take a rest now, it has been too much for you today. You need to rest. I'm here for you anytime, always," Jungkook caressed over his head massaging the backside of his neck gently.
"And do you understand what hurts even more knowing she has shown her powers to make toys and games for the prince while she never did for me."
Jungkook's stomach made an abrupt flip. He suddenly felt so guilty for the treatment he had received from Emerald, but it has been before Jimin was born. Maybe she had always wished to have a child she could spoil and it was him lucky enough to meet her in times of peace and prosperity, not times of war chaos and destruction.
"I believe your mum would have done everything and more for you, she definitely did. Unfortunately she's not here anymore to tell you her reasons, but she had them. I am sure everything she did was to protect you, protect Hoseok, the two men she loved deeply. She has sacrificed everything to keep you both safe," Jungkook was speaking caressing over Jimin's back. "Imagine how much she had definitely wished to see her husband and son together, doing all silly father-son stuff. Yet, she chose against it, knowing your family will suffer so much from people's judgment. Then, after everything has fallen into pieces she wanted to protect you, and her skills would give away who she has been to the royal family, to Hoseok, what would make you the most desired bid for hybrid hunters. She had no choice Jimin."
Jungkook saw Jimin's body releasing some tension when the boy rested his head on his shoulder.
"Do you know what Hoseok's last words were?"
Jimin scooped from him watching him with widely opened green eyes.
"Tell my son that I love him, this is what he has said," Jungkook's voice cracked.
Jimin's jaw trembled dangerously again.
"What is it all good for if they are all dying. From the people who love me only one is alive... oh!" Jimin covered his mouth jumping from the bed. "I meant Taehyung... he definitely loves me as a brother... for sure..."
Jimin's face was so pale Jungkook was afraid he might faint, but Jimin just sprinted out of the tent so Jungkook ran behind him.
"Jimin! Jimin stop! Stop! You..." Jungkook took a deep breath in walking to Jimin who turned to him still extremely pale.
"Please forget," whispered Jimin, but Jungkook placed his palms on the boy's face connecting their nose tips.
He was drowning in Jimin's eyes again his heart pounding loudly but he has never been so sure about those words he was about to tell as right now.
"Jimin, I lo..."
A rumor broke the night causing both to look up and Jungkook to curse under his breath.
"General Kookie! General Kookie! King Namjoon's servants are here with immediate orders!" An out of breath soldier was running their way.
"I will tell you later," whispered Jungkook right into Jimin's ear sucking on his earlobe for a moment getting drunk again. "It's definitely something to be solved out quickly, go back to the tent and take a rest, I'll be right back," Jungkook leaned in sucking into Jimin's lips with all passion and love he wished to express so badly, he had difficulties to pull back, but he behaved kissing Jimin's forehead then walking behind the soldier through the camp to the main square where the black circle of Hoseok's ashes was still giving out smoke. There has been the whole army crowding up there, the officers in the first lines when two human soldiers with Namjoon's emblems on their helmets approached him swiftly.
"Young soldier are you the new leader of the army?" Asked one so Jungkook nodded. "We're here with orders from the king."
"What orders," Jungkook clenched his fists.
One of the men opened a paper roll reading out loudly.
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Thank you so much for your feedback. What do you think about the chapter and Jungkook almost confessing? What do you think Namjoon's orders are?