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"Almighty Ruler, I'm presenting you my bravest soldiers," Hoseok bowed down so Jungkook lowered his head hoping he will survive giving honors to the murder of his parents

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"Almighty Ruler, I'm presenting you my bravest soldiers," Hoseok bowed down so Jungkook lowered his head hoping he will survive giving honors to the murder of his parents.

The soldiers were falling on the floor one by one when he suddenly placed the backpack in front of himself bowing low towards it. He would never bent a muscle for Namjoon, but he could give the honorable bow to Jimin, his beautiful hybrid.

"Hoseok, my servants will bring the soldiers to their private rooms when we will discuss their training," Namjoon's low voice was like poison.

The general got up when black armors without faces came their way.

Jungkook grabbed the backpack quickly following one, he needed to be far away from Namjoon or he could easily take out his sword and fight his last battle.

There is no use, we won't survive anyway, he was reminding himself walking the so known corridors, almost seeing the tiny him chasing toys Emerald - his favorite nanny, who had been a female magician had always put up around the palace for him.

"Room 790," Said the armory handing him a silver key.

"Is there a lock?" Jungkook opened the door checking it. "I don't need the key," he muttered closing the door into the armory's face, if it had a face, he even chuckled.

The old lock was so rusty, but Jungkook used some gentle strength to close it, feeling a lot safer even though a powerful demon like Namjoon wouldn't be stopped by the thickest walls.

"We're here," Jungkook washed the sweat off his forehead sitting on the bed, opening the backpack for Jimin to stick his head out with curiosity.

"You look totally wasted," Jungkook laughed as there have been bread crumbs sticking to Jimin's fur which meant he has for sure eaten Jungkook's supplies.

"You're a naughty one," Jungkook caressed behind Jimin's ears receiving a sweet purr. "I need a shower and a proper rest I bet they won't let us sleep much tonight," Jungkook lened in to kiss Jimin's head then take him out of the backpack and place in his lap.

Jimin wasn't opposing watching each of his moves when Jungkook found his additional clothes between the food rests. His new maiden, the colibri girl will be here tomorrow brining the rest of his belongings, so far he needed to handle with what's given.

"Will you shift so we can cuddle and kiss?" asked Jungkook but Jimin only jumped from his lap hiding underneath the bed.

Jungkook sighed, was Jimin mad for him taking his virginity? Was he feeling misused?

"I haven't done it to make you sad, I hoped you enjoyed it as much," Jungkook got up taking the clothes walking to the spacious bathroom with a round stone bath stripping quickly.

He shouldn't expose his tattoos for too long, not here, they might give him out, and if anybody gets the slightest idea who he is he was as good as dead.

Jungkook used the rain mechanism to fill in the bathtub with really warm water, how he always enjoyed to, as it was giving his sore muscles relax.

He shouldn't let down his guard, but it was so nice to lay down in the tube and close his eyes for a second, he could as well fall asleep here.

Jungkook sighed reaching for the soap, washing himself quickly to use his night robe as a towel and dry himself.

His feet were leaving wet traces on the floor when he walked back to stop abruptly, there was Jimin sitting on the carpet, wearing his cloak looking up at him, and he seemed mad, there were some tears in the corners of his eyes.

Jungkook's stomach made an abrupt flip, he walked closer kneeling down right next to Jimin.

"Are you mad?"

"I know we are just bed toys for you," whispered Jimin. "And I decided to never shift again but it hurts so dam much and it's getting worse."

"What hurts?" Asked Jungkook buffed.

Jimin's cheeks became totally purple.

"My ass," he whispered when realization made Jungkook burst out with laughter.

"I'm sorry, the next time I will lick you clean," he stretched his hand out to caress over Jimin's soft hair.

"What!" Jimin's eyes widened.

"Come, I'll wash you, there's still water in the bathtub. It will stop hurting soon."

"No, no way," Jimin wrapped the purple cloak tighter over himself as it was slipping off exposing his beautiful shoulder.

"Don't be stubborn, or do you prefer your ass to explode from pain?" Jungkook raised his brow.

"I truly hate you!" Jimin got up limping towards the bathroom, he was so cute Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle.

He followed inside seeing Jimin letting the cloak fall his magnificent body so stunning Jungkook stopped to admire.

"Wow," he said when Jimin blushed harder jumping into the tube.

"Leave, I will wash myself," he stuttered but Jungkook approached walking into the water kneeling in the tube over Jimin, taking his face in his palms.

"Allow me to help you," his whisper was raspy, he kissed Jimin's nose, his pulp sexy lips, his jaw, the exposed shoulders and neck.

"Please, I don't want to be just a human's bed toy," begged Jimin.

"You're not a toy Jimin, you're stunning," Jungkook was kissing hickeys into Jimin's skin, returning to his lips to part them with his tongue, to melt on Jimin's tongue.

There were just their moans and the splashing of the water when Jimin wrapped his arms around him pulling him closer.

Was it insane, that force drawing them to each other, as there was definitely no explanation for it, no way to hold back when Jungkook was grinding on Jimin's treasures, their tips rubbing so smoothly.

Was it insane, that force drawing them to each other, as there was definitely no explanation for it, no way to hold back when Jungkook was grinding on Jimin's treasures, their tips rubbing so smoothly

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Thank you for your feedback. Did you like the chapter? What do you think about Jungkook seeing Namjoon and Jimin's little problem? Will their second time of intimacy bring them closer?

Much <3

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